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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blessed Monday

I NEED to clarify something. I love observing people. I love to see people around me, watch what they do, how they live their life, or even how they treat people around them. If I were to choose between two choices, 1) shopping and 2) nice walk, I would have choose to walk to a place that has crowd. It doesn't have to be in a certain event in a certain place. It can be anywhere, but I rather love to walk at public areas that placed varities of living standards. A public place that anyone can go, and it certainly a place that locate varities of work that people's do. Here I can see their skills and passion of doing the job. How creative and smart they are, even the 'things' produced aren't so worth it, sometimes complicated but they do it with smile on their face.

           More than that I can see the sincerity of a mankind.

           Sometimes the higher you go, it will be one time your heart forced you to search for 'something'. That 'something' which can satisfied you. And it is only a 'piece' of thing, actually.

           By looking at 'these lower life of living' than you have, it will makes you feel grateful and thank God for whatever you have now. Don't be so arrogant with your life, you can lost it anytime.

Just my two cents.

... Cause He give us what we asked, then we refused to praise to Allah. Shame on us.

May ALLAH bless.

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