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Sunday, October 9, 2011

So this is Monday blues eh?

HOW'S your holiday in the past weekend? Some of you may have working, settle down some important things while the rest most probably enjoying it. I'm part of the 'enjoys' category. I've attended childhood friends' E-day (it is engagement, if you don't know), followed my sister shop her pregnancy stuff, have dinner together. On sunday, I get myself full of rest through reading, surfing and watch tv.

During weekdays, I was busy with work even I know my project isn't that-much, (there's only 2 project run at time). Sometimes I feel bored 'cause I was dealing the same stuff everyday (pull fast the calendar to get the submission date nearer, then only I don't have time for myself)   >.<

Banyak sangat bebel.
You know, I missed uni life and the busy-ness of archi students. We used to entered so much events - competition inside or outside campus. I missed working in group, site visits all over the country - KL, Penang, Terengganu, Melaka, etc etc, trips to Yogyakarta and Beijing. Study and play hard. 

It is all yesterday.

In front of Beijing Olympic Stadium, our Strano's trip (new year 2011)

Joys everywhere, in front of Candi Borobudur, Yogyakarta Indonesia (2009)

After the 7th CAAEM visit (Council of Accreditation and Architectural Education M'sia),
this is my batch - the Stranos
- the end of study- (May, 2011)

Penat interview orang, have a break, have a - Tebu!
eloklah duduk bersusun tepi bus stop (Terengganu site visit, February 2011)

At the beach side.
This is an impromptu - day trip to Gunung Arong, Mersing
(July 2010)

After presentation in Urban Unit, Semester 8 (March, 2010)

New year countdown at Starbucks, Urban Trip to Ringlet, Cameron Highlands
(January, 2010)

Always bring UTM brand with us, everywhere we go.
@ Candi Prambanan, Yogyakarta Indonesia (August 2009)

We already tied to each other from the very start.
Strano @ Dai's openhouse (Raya, October 2009)

May the glory be with us, even we had left the campus.

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