SAAT aku menunduk menekan off pada suis soket, kedengaran bunyi menandakan satu message masuk.
"Singgah kedai beli serai 2 batang, 1 biji kelapa."
Kalau bab mengirim bahan masakan tak lain tak bukan memang maklah
orangnya. Mak memang arif waktu aku pulang kerja. Dia macam tahu tepat
pukul 5.30 petang aku sudahpun tercegat tepi pintu, tersengih pada kakak
admin meminta izin pulang.
Pejabat ini
bukannya ada ramai pekerja. Boleh sangat dihitung dengan jari. Maka
dengan itu kami tidak perlu bersesak-sesak, berebut siapa mahu turun
dahulu. Malah sistem punch card pun takde, sebab kakak admin boleh tahu
siapa datang cepat atau lambat. Untunglah semua staf dalam pejabat ni
saling berkomunikasi dan saling memberitahu kalau-kalau ada sebab perlu
cuti dan sebagainya. Untung juga pejabat kecil, perhubungan sebagai
teman pejabat agak rapat. Sampai bos pun boleh kenal keluarga staf.
Turun sahaja tangga single itu, mata dahpun melirik pada kereta yang
sedia menunggu untuk berkhidmat. Untuk mendapatkan lot parking ni aku
perlu datang seawal 8.30 pagi sebab waktu tu orang pejabat atas pulang
(ada antara mereka yang shift malam). Agak berebut jugakla. Tapi kalau
takde parking tu nasiblah, carilah mana-mana. Andai nasib tak baik, DBKL
rush memang kena samanlah jawabnya. Buat masa ni aku tak pernah terkena
saman lagi. Masuk lot dan bayar parking pada waktunya, insyaAllah
Hailah.... sape pulak yang block
kereta ni? Aku buka pintu kereta dan duduk sebentar. Usai menghidupkan
enjin, aku menekan hon 2-3 kali. Ada orang yang lalu-lalang melihat
kereta aku. Memang aku sedang mencari tuan punya kereta ni. Sila alihkan
kereta anda boleh tak?
Seorang lelaki
berbaju kemeja bergegas keluar dari satu premis, cepat-cepat mendapatkan
kereta Rextonnya. Kala itu kelibat cik Siti pun kelihatan, dia menegur
aku yang masih memanaskan enjin.
"Amboi kuatnya hon!"
"Yeke?" Aku angkat kening. "Boleh slow-slow ke?" Sengih.
Siti buat muka. "Malu aje aku duk situ ko hon kuat-kuat. Dahlah handsome orang tu."
"Yang ko diri situ buat ape. Mane kereta ko?"
"Situ ha. Hujan ni." Kala itu hujan baru rintik-rintik.
"Mehlah aku hantar ko ke kereta." pelawaku.
Siti pun masuk.
"Handsomelah weh.." katanya lagi.
"Aku perasan gak tadi. Heh, dah tu kalau handsome tak bole hon ke? Tunggu tahun depan baru aku boleh balik?" Aku membebel sambil menukar gear.
"Ko ni...." Siti malas layan.
"Orang mana tu? Tak pernah nampak pun." Aku masih di topik yang sama.
"Entah... office sebelah kot."
saja aku menurunkan Siti berhampiran keretanya. Sambil meneruskan
perjalanan aku masih memikirkan orang handsome tadi. Amboi aku ni pun!
Aku memandu dengan rasa kosong. Berkali juga fikiran terganggu, ada
saja yang menerap masuk buat aku berfikir lain. Boleh menyebabkan
pemanduan terganggu. Cepat-cepat aku kembali fokus di atas jalan. Lagu
Yuna bermain melalui USB yang aku pasang. Aku suka slow music. Buat rasa
relaks. Kadang-kadang waktu perjalanan yang selama 15 minit aku
genapkan jadi 20. Banyak juga traffic light.
Sampai di kawasan letak kereta di surau, aku memakirkan kereta dengan
berhati-hati. Satu kemajuan lagi hari ini ye. Aku berjaya parking dengan
baik. Heh. Sempat aku capai botol air yang wajib aku bawa tiap-tiap
hari ke tempat kerja. Pergi berisi, balik jadi kosong. Jangan tertinggal
dalam kereta sudah. Perlahan aku jalan menyusuri laluan pejalan kaki di
tepi surau. Saat aku memasukkan kunci dalam beg, aku memandang semula
ke jalanan. Pandangan jatuh pada seorang lelaki yang baru keluar dari
keretanya. Dia turut memerhati aku. Pandangan itu tidak bermaksud
apa-apa. Bukan untuk menegur pun.
Aku seluk poket beg tangan lalu mencapai handphone. Saat aku melangkah lagi, aku tepuk dahi. Serai dan kelapa mak!
Aku cuma membawa pulang cerita bertemu lelaki-lelaki handsome.
"Kau tak kelip mata?"
"Tak sempat mak."
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ITS BEEN awhile since I'm away from blogosphere. Yes, kinda busy with work. Working life makes you discipline enough anyway. And I'm happy with it. Even sometimes I did complain whenever I need to do OT and that work disturbs my beautiful weekend. Again, my family remind me to 'just do the work' and think that you will be paid more. (Another commitment had been added to the list recently, so I need to work harder!)
Whats up with me on this 2-3 weeks back? I'm struggling complete the design scheme of Lembaga Peperiksaan. Not just me, got another 3 person working together in order to make sure everything is ready and prepared for the KSU meeting. When we are working hard on it, the meeting keep postpone for about more than 3 times. What are you expecting from them? Don't they interested on our proposal? At the meantime, we continue updating and make some changes on the presentation wise just to make sure that everything looks perfect.
I can see the real life here. The process that are ongoing, the decision that we make, doesn't mean will be approved easily by the KSU. IF he was interested, he himself will recommend to the minister and the proposal will bring into cabinet. Thats the flow of government project.
My principal even said to me; "There's not interesting much about being architect because we are paid based on the scale of fees; even our payment is much lower than the developer, contractor, qs. In fact, we did a lot of work - from the very start (preliminary), schematic, up until design implementation; we going through ALL the process but our fees not that much than theirs."
I slowly agree with his statement. To learn and to see this real life is not that easy. Face it, then only I can gain my own experience. So explore. Keep exploring in this architecture field.
Talking about architecture design. The real scenario is not that the architects 'was' the architect, it is actually client was the architect. The architects are guided by the client because everything that relates to design will effect the costs; thats what the client concerns much. They want this, want that, just 'order' as they know that it can be built so easy. Here, where's the stand of the architects? They supposed to be the one to consult the client, and to say NO when they have to. And how many of architects got this attitude?
Back to life, there's no other way to get a project and to satisfied everyone. At the end of the day, the design stay the same. Not many are outstanding and can be proud of. Talking about any building's architecture, nothing much to say. Because it is common. It is almost nothing. Sad thing about some part of Malaysian architect's life.
We done with the KSU meeting. Now waiting for the results which we think it is sort of impossible to gain the project; since we have to compete with another 3 powerful groups that want the Enstek site so bad.
If we didn't get it, its okay. We are all fine with it. At least I know how to appreciate this 4 months of working on the schematic design; the experience to exploring and produce the best presentation for the meeting. We did it!
Another challenge of life is coming.. and I can't wait for tomorrow. Everyday is precious, everyday is just.. full of surprise.
May ALLAH bless.
Sometimes I feel bored 'coz I'm doing the same thing same stuff each day.
Source: Three Sisters, Sister Poem, 37 Stories
Family Friend Poems
"ASSALAMUALAIKUM." Aku tolak pintu nampak mak, abah dan kakak baring bersepah. Si kecil Ayra terkedek-kedek berlari mendapatkan aku. "Mak teh!"
My first step in architecture was when I've been called for an interview five years ago. It took place in UTM KL City Campus. While everybody brought their A1 drawings and various painting, I just brought a few piece of paper (which is rough sketch of what-so-ever - which is done few days back before the interview - to show that I am able to sketch) and - official documents - curriculum vitae/spm/matriculation transcript.
I was alone.
The first stage of the interview was sketching. In a big hall, where you can see a lot of artist and designers; you can feel that you wasn't be there. I feel it. Everyone took pencil and start sketch. Its all based on the object at the center of the hall. Look at it, feel it, then your hand will freely dance on the paper. That will be the end product. It can be anything. Everyone - which is - different.
When I saw everyone had started, I took a deep breath and start sketching.
Its very subjective where you need to look and interpreted in your own way. As far as I remembered, the object had turned to be in a city environment with buildings as the background, with cars - smoke - yes, pollution. When time has end up, I look at it and compare with others - that makes me feel so.......... okay, till here, Anis. Go back home and you will never be choosen. Thank you.
Obviously, I was so nervous. The next stage was one-to-one interview session.
And I just know Caesar Pelli who had designed the KLCC and Raja Bahrain who designed the Masjid Terapung in Terengganu.
Fortunately they asked and I can answered.
"Ouh.. so you got taekwondo skills. Why don't you take Sports course?" One of the interviewer asked.
"I think I am capable enough in architecture course because I know how tough it is."
FAKE. I don't really know how tough it is. I just pick some tips-to-answer-well-during-interview-be-confident-promote-yourself. So I do.
Then they looked at my drawings and said, "Is that all?"
"Yes." Confidently I answered.
They have a look at my sketch in the hall just now and assess it. They do asked why I sketch in such a way and whats the meaning behind it. Yes, I answered all well. (poyo)
So, everything ends there. I thought its just.. THERE.
Few weeks later I got a letter calling me to register in UTM Skudai in.......... what?????? architecture! They must be kidding!!!
I remembered how lack I am (there is NO OUTSTANDING sketches) and how blur I am (I just know 2 architects in the world, okay). But I've been choosen. Hrmmmm.... this is odd.
I call it as rezeki and jodoh. I also got a sense that there is something in me, thats why they've choose me. If you ask what I am more in to, I can answer; it is art. But I never know that this will be the one for me. Along the way of study, I found it very tough (yes, damn tough!) and challenging. You not only study objects and arts, you study everything. Design and people. Its more than that and its very-very-very subjective though;
a) Where you can design, starts from everywhere. Its NOT A MUST to start from A to Z. It can be from C to L or even Z to A. It can be anywhere and it DOESN'T stop there. Design and develop. Design and redo. Redo, redo until you satisfied and when you have already solve the issues behind it.
b) Where you can have a lot of options. But still, you need knowledge to guide you. Back to design requirements. You need to keep designing and choose the best for it. Until the design will be yours.
Architecture... it never stop.
And Anis, if you capable enough in 5 years of study, why don't in 10 years, 15 years, 30 years to come?
PASSION. It will drive you to success.
May ALLAH bless.
I am currently at DATUM : KL Architecture Festival.

So glad meeting friends and seniors, make new friends too. This is the place where I wish for so long. The conference was just great. Hope tomorrow will be more-and-more interesting.
The conference start at 9.30 am with introduction of the past and recent projects all over the world that called "then....... now..........."

When I almost sleep, this Venezuelan architect have awake me with his full of thoughts! I love his philosophy and common sense. He is actually focusing on the urban settlement and social distribution of a city in Caracas. "To be an architect, you must know the common sense and have the critical thinking." He really mean it.

He end his speech with a quote, "Only 5% of incredible images in magazines, 10% of it was because of the glossy paper, the rest is the quality of life and unsolved issues behind it.."
Its really thoughtful and have a big applause from the floor.

Ingat senang ke nak buat keputusan?
Lagi2 dengan aku yang tak-berapa-nak-tekad-dan-sume-benda-nak-main-main-je
Hah... hambik..
Try and error memang aplikasi aku. Kebanyakkannya error dan ada je benda yang slack. Walau camtu aku boleh je hidup dan survive lagi.
Orang kata nasib.
Tapi nasib tu tak selalunya baik.
Dan aku pun tak bergantung sepenuhnya pada nasib. Aku perlu usaha.
Tapi aku rasa aku belum sedia untuk memikul tanggungjawab serius.
Walau aku rasa sebenarnya aku mampu.
Tapi dah tak larat dah... penat 1 tahun + 5 tahun straight belajar..
Walau aku rasa sebenarnya aku masih minat dengan bidang ini.
Tapi lagi best kot duduk melepak.....
Walau sebenarnya lagi best dapat gaji daripada lepak kosong.
AH kau Anis...
Banyak tapi2.
Nak seribu daya OK..
Tapi betul ke aku nak?
Apa arah tuju aku lepas ni. Practice atau study - Lagi?

Bermain dengan warna dan pensel. Mereka dan berimaginasi. Merancang dan membina.
Inikah yang aku nak?

Inilah kau, anis. Ini dunia kau.

Sebenarnya aku telah memilih bidang yang betul. Dan aku perlu teruskan hingga ke hujungnya.
May ALLAH bless.
HAMPIR dua minggu event Terang! berlalu. Seronok, beronok-ronok bila bertambah kawan2 baru. Aku jadi fasi untuk budak2 UIA (sebutan: Uiya). Dorang sumpah cool, sporting and best sangat. Bila aku ngan Didi bawak dorang ke dewan, ke FAB square, sorakan cheers dari seorang cheerleader - "Aiyuha syabaaaab..." lalu disambut dengan sorakan ramai - "UIYAAA!!" sangat menggamatkan suasana. Aku bangga dengan semangat budak2 ni.
Tak kurang jugak dengan Group 7 yang aku ngan Didi perlu handle. Group 7 merupakan group daripada sesi ice breaking - campuran dari semua school. Dalam group ni ada budak2 Poli PD, KK Tapah, UIA, USM, UKM dan UiTM Shah Alam. Maka secara tak langsung aku kenal dengan ramai peserta. Sebagai pemerhati (jugak) aku rasa semua peserta Terang! sangat cool dan awesome. Memang Gila la Weh!! (tagline cheers Terang!)
Kalau citer pasal Terang xtaula bile nak abes. Banyak sangat kenangan manis, sedih pun ye (lagi pulak ni event terakhir sebelum aku BLAH dari UTM ni). Actually kemeriahan Terang ni juga mendapat perhatian daripada media press - UTUSAN:

dan juga mendapat pengiktirafan daripada Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) melalui sebuah modul Terang @ JB. Kat modul ni semua peserta perlu complete 2 task; 1) heritage trail [ala-ala Amazing Race], 2) Installation Wire Mesh [street furniture]

Betapa Terangnya bandar JB hari tersebut! Kecoh! Riuh! Sampai Oppa kami (Mr. Director Boon Soon) pun ditemubual oleh TV AlHijrah.

Dan pagi tadi aku baca entri ni (tiba2 rasa bangga jap):
Dengar jugak peserta Terang yang nak sambung study di UTM. Anda semua amat dialu-alukan. Welcome to our school of architecture!
Betapa Terang!nya event ni maka dah Terangkan mata semua pihak. Akhirnya budak kos lain buka mata bahawa wujud komuniti budak Senibina yang 'macam-macam' kat bumi UTM ni.
Lega bila Terang dah selesai. Aku dapat rasakan event ni berjaya dan tidak kurang kalah dengan event Olympiarch yang dianjurkan UTM 5 tahun lalu. Maka dengan itu harap-harapnya super senior kami tak berasa malu dengan kesinambungan event ini.
Dan hubungan aku dengan budak2 UIYA dan Group 7 pun tak terhenti setakat di Terang. Bertalu-talu sambung kemeriahan di fb sendiri, fb Terang. Yang terbaru, warga UIA menjemput kami untuk menghadiri Heritage Studies Exhibition.
Recent event : Heritage Studies Exhibition
Venue : Kuliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, UIA, Gombak
Date : 28 June - 1 July 2011
Mari lebarkan jaringan kenalan. Mari luaskan pengetahuan!
Harap ukhwah berkekalan sampai bila-bila. =)

ikut? silakan ^^v
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The real things are..
ITS BEEN awhile since I'm away from blogosphere. Yes, kinda busy with work. Working life makes you discipline enough anyway. And I'm happy with it. Even sometimes I did complain whenever I need to do OT and that work disturbs my beautiful weekend. Again, my family remind me to 'just do the work' and think that you will be paid more. (Another commitment had been added to the list recently, so I need to work harder!)
Whats up with me on this 2-3 weeks back? I'm struggling complete the design scheme of Lembaga Peperiksaan. Not just me, got another 3 person working together in order to make sure everything is ready and prepared for the KSU meeting. When we are working hard on it, the meeting keep postpone for about more than 3 times. What are you expecting from them? Don't they interested on our proposal? At the meantime, we continue updating and make some changes on the presentation wise just to make sure that everything looks perfect.
I can see the real life here. The process that are ongoing, the decision that we make, doesn't mean will be approved easily by the KSU. IF he was interested, he himself will recommend to the minister and the proposal will bring into cabinet. Thats the flow of government project.
My principal even said to me; "There's not interesting much about being architect because we are paid based on the scale of fees; even our payment is much lower than the developer, contractor, qs. In fact, we did a lot of work - from the very start (preliminary), schematic, up until design implementation; we going through ALL the process but our fees not that much than theirs."
I slowly agree with his statement. To learn and to see this real life is not that easy. Face it, then only I can gain my own experience. So explore. Keep exploring in this architecture field.
Talking about architecture design. The real scenario is not that the architects 'was' the architect, it is actually client was the architect. The architects are guided by the client because everything that relates to design will effect the costs; thats what the client concerns much. They want this, want that, just 'order' as they know that it can be built so easy. Here, where's the stand of the architects? They supposed to be the one to consult the client, and to say NO when they have to. And how many of architects got this attitude?
Back to life, there's no other way to get a project and to satisfied everyone. At the end of the day, the design stay the same. Not many are outstanding and can be proud of. Talking about any building's architecture, nothing much to say. Because it is common. It is almost nothing. Sad thing about some part of Malaysian architect's life.
We done with the KSU meeting. Now waiting for the results which we think it is sort of impossible to gain the project; since we have to compete with another 3 powerful groups that want the Enstek site so bad.
If we didn't get it, its okay. We are all fine with it. At least I know how to appreciate this 4 months of working on the schematic design; the experience to exploring and produce the best presentation for the meeting. We did it!
Another challenge of life is coming.. and I can't wait for tomorrow. Everyday is precious, everyday is just.. full of surprise.
May ALLAH bless.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Spice of Life
Sometimes I feel bored 'coz I'm doing the same thing same stuff each day.
The adventure of life is to learn.
When people keep commenting and criticize me, I wanna shout out loud, arghhh!
The purpose of life is to grow.
What I have now, it doesn't change much. I can't see how my future looks like.
The nature of life is to change.
When there's too many things to handle, I was nearly give up and I just stop there.
The challenge of life is to overcome.
I like to think about other people, is it wrong?
The essence of life is to care.
Sometimes I'm tired of caring others.
The opportunity of like is to serve.
Meeting new people and to approach them. I love to mingle around.
The secret of life is to befriend.
Can you please don't count every single of your kind?
The beauty of life is to give.
#credits to my beloved Sister.
Many thanks dearie. I haven't thought of it until you told me so. Lets change ourselves people!
May ALLAH bless.
Many thanks dearie. I haven't thought of it until you told me so. Lets change ourselves people!
May ALLAH bless.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Sister!
Dear honey,
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?
Always been the closest friend of mine, lend your shoulder for me to share troubles. That's why I never realize... your 5 years younger than me.
She never need to say any word,
She's all in silence.
But once we get together we can go crazy and wild,
Until mom and dad can't help even awhile.
And she is, the youngest sister and the youngest in the family,
Finally move to another phase of life.. in her sweet 20's.
Happy birthday sayangku Mia.
For you we are always here to stay.
Three Sister's
© Francis I. Gillespie
We are three sisters
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me
We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never separated
We’re in each other's heart.
Now I know we've had our troubles,
But we always get thru.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.
We have had lots of good times
That we'll never forget
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret
But if God ever gave me
Something special you see,
It might have been the blessing of,
Three sisters are we.
The Lord above has gave me lots
Of happiness and glee
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me
We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never separated
We’re in each other's heart.
Now I know we've had our troubles,
But we always get thru.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.
We have had lots of good times
That we'll never forget
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret
But if God ever gave me
Something special you see,
It might have been the blessing of,
Three sisters are we.
The Lord above has gave me lots
Of happiness and glee
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.
Source: Three Sisters, Sister Poem, 37 Stories
Family Friend Poems
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Dah berjaya nanti, jangan lupa asal usul..
"Pegi mana?" soal mak dan abah.
"Istana budaya jap. Beli tiket Nora."
"Nora?" Kakak angkat kening. Aku berlalu naik atas, turun semula dengan tiket Nora. Hulur kat kakak.
"Apesal tengok cite ni."
"Nape, tak best ke?" Terbit rasa sedikit menyesal. Tapi apesal aku baca review majoriti cakap best?
"Nora? Nora Zain ke? Best ape cite tu." Mak dan abah membantah. Yess! Aku sudah tersenyum.
"Nora Zain cite ape? Cite yang Penang tu kan?" Aku saja menambah biarpun aku sudah pasti kisahnya tentang apa. Mak abah angguk. "Yang Saloma berlakon, Sarimah."
"Cite betul ke mak?"
"Takdelah. Dulu-dulu filem Melayu takde macam tu. Tu first filem Melayu buat kat Hong Kong, macam FBI."
Okey, thats it. I am so glad that I already bought The Secret Life of Nora ticket!
"PAK LANG nak datang malam ni." Kata-kata mak buat aku terdiam kejap.
"Buat ape?"
"Dia anta Uwan Alang kat IJN. Nak singgah petang tadi, tak jadi. Singgah malam kang." Abah keluarkan pisang goreng suruh aku makan. Wah, dah beli pisang siap dah, tak datang? Aku gigit sikit sambil membayangkan apa yang berlaku malam nanti.
ISH kakak aku ni nak ngelat je gayanya. Dia dah bersiap dengan tshirt dan jeans, Ayra dengan jeans, abang G pun dengan jeans. Haih, memang nak g jalan la ni.
"Mak nak kirim apa? Nak g carefour." soal abang G. Ayra dah berjoget-joget kegembiraan nak berjalan. Beg ladybird yang digalasnya senget-senget dengan gerakan yang dibuat.
"Beli teh, " mak pun kirim. Aku yang baring menghala mata ke tv. Agak-agak kakak aku ni nak ajak tak?
"Baju ape kau pakai ni?" soal mak. Kakak menarik sikit tshirt yang dipakainya.
"Yang aritu beli la. Esok nak pakai balik baju ni pegi training." katanya sambil keluar dan menutup pintu.
Haihh... memang tak la kan!
KENAPA aku rasa... macam tak best je malam ni? Handset abah berdering berkali-kali. Aku mahupun mak tak pulak rasa nak angkat. Hanya biarkan sehinggalah abah balik dari surau, ambil telefon dan, "Hah? 7 miscall?? 2 message." Jelas wajah abah terkejut. Aku dan mak senyap je. Abah telefon Uwan balik dan menjemputnya datang.
Pukul 9. Daripada meja kosong sehinggalah dah terisi dengan hidangan mee rebus, tetamu yang ditunggu tak kunjung tiba. Tak boleh jadi. Bosan gila. Aku ambil Ipad dan mula melayari internet. Bukak facebook takde cite yang best, bukak google reader jugak yang layan. Seronok blogwalk ni. Leka kejap.
"Assalamualaikum." Ye-ye mak capai tudung, sekali kakak yang masuk dengan abang G dan Ayra. Haih. Suspen je. Aku melirik jam. Pukul 10 okey. Mana ni? Aku tido karang? Sumpah kalau buat camtu mak abah kejut balik, suruh salam.
"Aik? Tak sampai lagi?" soal kakak. "Hidung ni dah berair-air. Nak demam. Rasa nak tido awal."
"Ha-ah, nak tido jugaklah. Jom?" Aku menambah. Mak menjeling. Kami faham sangat jelingan tu. Alah, mak pun bukannya berkenan sangat kan. Tetamu yang bakal datang ni bukan tetamu yang selalu berkunjung. Hilang tanpa berita 12 tahun lamanya.
Aku simpan Ipad dan naik ke atas. Baik aku selesaikan apa yang patut. Gosok baju untuk kerja esok. Sambil-sambil aku gosok, kakak mengadu gigi bongsunya dah tumbuh. Elok je selesai gosok, kedengaran kecoh kat tingkat bawah. Aku lekas menggantung baju blouse. Membuka sedikit pintu sebelah, "Eh, jomlah. Dorang dah sampai." Aku panggil kakak yang nampak sangat bangun dengan malasnya. Aku pun malas kot! Tak tau nak borak apa. Terbayang anak Pak Lang yang tiga orang itu. Baya-baya aku ade seorang.
Turun bawah je si tetamu dah pun duduk. Pak Lang je yang masih berdiri. Kakak salam, aku menyusul selepasnya. Tiba masa aku nak salam, pak lang tanya, "Yang arkitek tu mana?" Kalaulah aku ada baju halimunan, cepat je aku sarung dan hilangkan diri. Aku rendahkan diri yang sedia rendah ini.
Aku biar pending soalan Pak Lang dan mencium tangannya. "Yang mana?" soalnya lagi. Cis. Mia pulak takde. Kalau dia ada aku tunjuk dia je. "Oh ni ke? Hahaha." Pak Lang gelak sebab nampak sangat baru nak update cerita anak sedara. Dan mereka pun bukannya kenal kami. Sebab tu dia tanya sorang-sorang nak bagi ingat balik memori yang dah terputus bertahun lamanya.
Perlu ke soalan itu? Hrmm. Siapa pulak yang bercerita anak mak abah arkitek. Memandai aje. Jiran sebelah mane tau? Belajar arkitek, jadi arkitek belum tentu. Baru nak merangkak, belum cukup pengalaman nak mengaku arkitek. Malu! Serius aku rasa nak naik atas dan tido aje.
BETUL APA yang aku bayangkan. Anak-anak Pak Lang jauh lebih hebat okey. Kak long, setahun tua dari aku tengah buat PhD dalam bidang Ukur Bahan. Angah yang baya aku tu, pandai cari duit. Part time lecturer kat Lim Kok Wing dan akan mengikut jejak kakaknya sambung PhD di England tak lama lagi. Yang bongsu tu si handsome Z, kat UPM sekarang dalam bidang electrical engine.
Pak Lang dan Mak Lang serius terkejut bila tau aku UTM. Rupanya kak long pun UTM, grad degree tahun 2007 (masa tu aku second year), lepas tu grad lagi 2008 untuk Master, maknanya berkali-kali jugakla dorang turun Johor. Tuhan taknak tunjuk sedara mara ada kat situ jugak. See, makin rasa rendah aku ni. Orang dah belajar tinggi-tinggi. Nak banding dengan aku ni apalah sangat. Baguslah anak-anak Pak Lang ambil PhD, dah tekad nak jadi lecturer tu. Aku ni je yang masih ting tong dengan masa depan yang masih kabur.
Mungkin aku silap. Bukan banding, tapi sekadar memaklumkan dan supaya kami ambil tahu cerita terbaru mereka. Rezeki orang kan lain-lain. Memanglah family abah bukan calang-calang. Biarpun orang kampung tapi background study dahsyat gak. Tak perlu berpangkat, tapi semuanya pun bukan jenis menunjuk-nunjuk. Pulak tu kaya budi bahasa. Ikatan kekeluargaan tetap utuh biarpun masing-masing berbeza. Itu yang aku salute.
"Dah berjaya nanti, jangan lupa adik beradik, asal usul." Pesanan mak tersemat di hati.
Kerana aku bukan sesiapa tanpa mereka.
Kerana aku bukan sesiapa tanpa mereka.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
So this is Monday blues eh?
HOW'S your holiday in the past weekend? Some of you may have working, settle down some important things while the rest most probably enjoying it. I'm part of the 'enjoys' category. I've attended childhood friends' E-day (it is engagement, if you don't know), followed my sister shop her pregnancy stuff, have dinner together. On sunday, I get myself full of rest through reading, surfing and watch tv.
During weekdays, I was busy with work even I know my project isn't that-much, (there's only 2 project run at time). Sometimes I feel bored 'cause I was dealing the same stuff everyday (pull fast the calendar to get the submission date nearer, then only I don't have time for myself) >.<
Banyak sangat bebel.
You know, I missed uni life and the busy-ness of archi students. We used to entered so much events - competition inside or outside campus. I missed working in group, site visits all over the country - KL, Penang, Terengganu, Melaka, etc etc, trips to Yogyakarta and Beijing. Study and play hard.
It is all yesterday.
In front of Beijing Olympic Stadium, our Strano's trip (new year 2011)
Joys everywhere, in front of Candi Borobudur, Yogyakarta Indonesia (2009)
After the 7th CAAEM visit (Council of Accreditation and Architectural Education M'sia),
this is my batch - the Stranos
- the end of study- (May, 2011)
Penat interview orang, have a break, have a - Tebu!
eloklah duduk bersusun tepi bus stop (Terengganu site visit, February 2011)
At the beach side.
This is an impromptu - day trip to Gunung Arong, Mersing
(July 2010)
After presentation in Urban Unit, Semester 8 (March, 2010)
New year countdown at Starbucks, Urban Trip to Ringlet, Cameron Highlands
(January, 2010)
Always bring UTM brand with us, everywhere we go.
@ Candi Prambanan, Yogyakarta Indonesia (August 2009)
We already tied to each other from the very start.
Strano @ Dai's openhouse (Raya, October 2009)
May the glory be with us, even we had left the campus.
Monday, September 19, 2011
before i'm away
last day working.
then im off to somewhere for a week.
its gonna be rush, just hope ALLAH stays with us. Amin.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Ramadhan is approaching...
Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan.
Today I have the very last breakfast, lunch and dinner before Ramadhan comes in hours time. Let us collect as many rewards as we can in this precious month.
Insya-ALLAH. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Today I have the very last breakfast, lunch and dinner before Ramadhan comes in hours time. Let us collect as many rewards as we can in this precious month.
Insya-ALLAH. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
bla bla selasa
MAK kata, dalam family, aku la yang paling teliti. Paling serius. Paling banyak fikir. Sebab tu kalau ada masalah, punyela dalam aku fikir sampai sakit2 badan, sakit2 kepala. Padahal kalau take it easy benda tu pun boleh setel. (Dalam hal ni kak anim paling positif. Orang cakap apepun, dia boleh ambil mudah. Positif. Sangat!)
Dan sebab tu bila Mia habis spm, cepat2 mak kata, ambil la course apepun asalkan JANGAN senibina. JANGAN jadi macam kak anis kau. Sakit mak tengok kak anis kau buat kerja. Tak tido, tak makan. Mak pun jadi susah hati. (Kesian mak. Minta maaf mak, tengah2 malam telefon mintak ketenangan. Punyala serabut hidup dalam senibina ni)
Ingat seronok ke tengok2 bangunan? Tengok kena sampai 'tembus' tau. Kena kaji macam mana bangunan tu beroperasi, dari segi struktur dan pembinaan. Semua berkenaan teknikal dan praktikal.
Aku seronok. Jujur. Dalam tempoh yang hampir sebulan ni aku enjoy dengan pekerjaan aku. Aku cuba tingkatkan prestasi setiap hari dan mengamalkan toleransi dengan officemate yang lain. Saling belajar. Bos aku sendiri selalu tekankan, be knowledgeable. Buku banyak, maka baca. Internet ada, maka cari. Pelbagai kemudahan dah disediakan dan aku berpuas hati setakat ini.
Jarang sekali aku berasa seronok dalam dunia senibina ni. Jujur. Selama ni belajar, setiap projek disempurnakan mengikut dateline. Proses yang diamalkan kadangkala tidak lengkap dan kurang sana sini. Semata-mata untuk siap. Tetapi, apabila praktis dalam realiti yang sebenar, aku belajar menyempurnakan projek dengan sempurna. Dengan proses yang betul. Dengan kaedah yang betul. Ini yang dikatakan pengalaman sebenar.
Bersedia untuk esok. Meeting projek Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia di Putrajaya. Sambil2 tu aku kena jumpa client untuk projek renovation rumahnya. Dua projek satu masa.

**Buat drawing ni, teringat masa kecik dulu. Zaman darjah2. Aku beli kertas mahjong (masa tu xtau saiz A0) pastu lipat 4 kali (kalau nak banglo 4 tingkat). Kalau nak banglo 3 tingkat, lipat 3 kali je. Pastu aku akan bahagikan mengikut kebesaran ruang. Contoh:- Ruang tamu, dapur pastu ada tangga naik tingkat 2... kemudian aku akan lukis perabot2 yang ada kat dalam tu - guna katalog Courts Mammoth (Mak abah dulu suka shopping perabot kat situ). Lastt sekali, bila lukisan rumah dah siap, aku akan guna barbie doll kertas tu jadi penghuni rumah tu. Hehe. Itulah permainan aku masa darjah 5-6. Kreatif tak? HAHA. Kecik2 dah tau lukis Lukisan Keratan tau! HAHAHAHA *gelak guling2
Ok tu je. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Dan sebab tu bila Mia habis spm, cepat2 mak kata, ambil la course apepun asalkan JANGAN senibina. JANGAN jadi macam kak anis kau. Sakit mak tengok kak anis kau buat kerja. Tak tido, tak makan. Mak pun jadi susah hati. (Kesian mak. Minta maaf mak, tengah2 malam telefon mintak ketenangan. Punyala serabut hidup dalam senibina ni)
Ingat seronok ke tengok2 bangunan? Tengok kena sampai 'tembus' tau. Kena kaji macam mana bangunan tu beroperasi, dari segi struktur dan pembinaan. Semua berkenaan teknikal dan praktikal.
Aku seronok. Jujur. Dalam tempoh yang hampir sebulan ni aku enjoy dengan pekerjaan aku. Aku cuba tingkatkan prestasi setiap hari dan mengamalkan toleransi dengan officemate yang lain. Saling belajar. Bos aku sendiri selalu tekankan, be knowledgeable. Buku banyak, maka baca. Internet ada, maka cari. Pelbagai kemudahan dah disediakan dan aku berpuas hati setakat ini.
Jarang sekali aku berasa seronok dalam dunia senibina ni. Jujur. Selama ni belajar, setiap projek disempurnakan mengikut dateline. Proses yang diamalkan kadangkala tidak lengkap dan kurang sana sini. Semata-mata untuk siap. Tetapi, apabila praktis dalam realiti yang sebenar, aku belajar menyempurnakan projek dengan sempurna. Dengan proses yang betul. Dengan kaedah yang betul. Ini yang dikatakan pengalaman sebenar.
Bersedia untuk esok. Meeting projek Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia di Putrajaya. Sambil2 tu aku kena jumpa client untuk projek renovation rumahnya. Dua projek satu masa.
**Buat drawing ni, teringat masa kecik dulu. Zaman darjah2. Aku beli kertas mahjong (masa tu xtau saiz A0) pastu lipat 4 kali (kalau nak banglo 4 tingkat). Kalau nak banglo 3 tingkat, lipat 3 kali je. Pastu aku akan bahagikan mengikut kebesaran ruang. Contoh:- Ruang tamu, dapur pastu ada tangga naik tingkat 2... kemudian aku akan lukis perabot2 yang ada kat dalam tu - guna katalog Courts Mammoth (Mak abah dulu suka shopping perabot kat situ). Lastt sekali, bila lukisan rumah dah siap, aku akan guna barbie doll kertas tu jadi penghuni rumah tu. Hehe. Itulah permainan aku masa darjah 5-6. Kreatif tak? HAHA. Kecik2 dah tau lukis Lukisan Keratan tau! HAHAHAHA *gelak guling2
Ok tu je. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
at last
I could feel how happy he is when I call telling him that I am on my way home. He told me that the letter has arrived, confirming that I had officially finish my studies. He sounds so happy. He even can't wait for me but to tell me thru the phone.
That was an expression from a father. A clear happy feeling when he knows that her daughter will be graduating soon.
This will be my very first convocation after 5 years of study. Happy? Of course! This is the time I've been waiting for so long.

Alhamdulillah. Syukur. I always want to be a good daughter for my parents. And I want to be the best. So, this is the best that I can give.
That was an expression from a father. A clear happy feeling when he knows that her daughter will be graduating soon.
This will be my very first convocation after 5 years of study. Happy? Of course! This is the time I've been waiting for so long.
Alhamdulillah. Syukur. I always want to be a good daughter for my parents. And I want to be the best. So, this is the best that I can give.
I am so relieved. The engagement day went well. The pink kebaya I wore also was just nice. This is the very first moment we share during semester break.
Alhamdulillah. Hope and pray for the best.
May ALLAH bless.
Alhamdulillah. Hope and pray for the best.
May ALLAH bless.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Art, Arch and Anis
My first step in architecture was when I've been called for an interview five years ago. It took place in UTM KL City Campus. While everybody brought their A1 drawings and various painting, I just brought a few piece of paper (which is rough sketch of what-so-ever - which is done few days back before the interview - to show that I am able to sketch) and - official documents - curriculum vitae/spm/matriculation transcript.
I was alone.
The first stage of the interview was sketching. In a big hall, where you can see a lot of artist and designers; you can feel that you wasn't be there. I feel it. Everyone took pencil and start sketch. Its all based on the object at the center of the hall. Look at it, feel it, then your hand will freely dance on the paper. That will be the end product. It can be anything. Everyone - which is - different.
When I saw everyone had started, I took a deep breath and start sketching.
Its very subjective where you need to look and interpreted in your own way. As far as I remembered, the object had turned to be in a city environment with buildings as the background, with cars - smoke - yes, pollution. When time has end up, I look at it and compare with others - that makes me feel so.......... okay, till here, Anis. Go back home and you will never be choosen. Thank you.
Obviously, I was so nervous. The next stage was one-to-one interview session.
And I just know Caesar Pelli who had designed the KLCC and Raja Bahrain who designed the Masjid Terapung in Terengganu.
Fortunately they asked and I can answered.
"Ouh.. so you got taekwondo skills. Why don't you take Sports course?" One of the interviewer asked.
"I think I am capable enough in architecture course because I know how tough it is."
FAKE. I don't really know how tough it is. I just pick some tips-to-answer-well-during-interview-be-confident-promote-yourself. So I do.
Then they looked at my drawings and said, "Is that all?"
"Yes." Confidently I answered.
They have a look at my sketch in the hall just now and assess it. They do asked why I sketch in such a way and whats the meaning behind it. Yes, I answered all well. (poyo)
So, everything ends there. I thought its just.. THERE.
Few weeks later I got a letter calling me to register in UTM Skudai in.......... what?????? architecture! They must be kidding!!!
I remembered how lack I am (there is NO OUTSTANDING sketches) and how blur I am (I just know 2 architects in the world, okay). But I've been choosen. Hrmmmm.... this is odd.
I call it as rezeki and jodoh. I also got a sense that there is something in me, thats why they've choose me. If you ask what I am more in to, I can answer; it is art. But I never know that this will be the one for me. Along the way of study, I found it very tough (yes, damn tough!) and challenging. You not only study objects and arts, you study everything. Design and people. Its more than that and its very-very-very subjective though;
a) Where you can design, starts from everywhere. Its NOT A MUST to start from A to Z. It can be from C to L or even Z to A. It can be anywhere and it DOESN'T stop there. Design and develop. Design and redo. Redo, redo until you satisfied and when you have already solve the issues behind it.
b) Where you can have a lot of options. But still, you need knowledge to guide you. Back to design requirements. You need to keep designing and choose the best for it. Until the design will be yours.
Architecture... it never stop.
And Anis, if you capable enough in 5 years of study, why don't in 10 years, 15 years, 30 years to come?
PASSION. It will drive you to success.
May ALLAH bless.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Datum : KL @ Archidex
I am currently at DATUM : KL Architecture Festival.

So glad meeting friends and seniors, make new friends too. This is the place where I wish for so long. The conference was just great. Hope tomorrow will be more-and-more interesting.
The conference start at 9.30 am with introduction of the past and recent projects all over the world that called "then....... now..........."
When I almost sleep, this Venezuelan architect have awake me with his full of thoughts! I love his philosophy and common sense. He is actually focusing on the urban settlement and social distribution of a city in Caracas. "To be an architect, you must know the common sense and have the critical thinking." He really mean it.
He end his speech with a quote, "Only 5% of incredible images in magazines, 10% of it was because of the glossy paper, the rest is the quality of life and unsolved issues behind it.."
Its really thoughtful and have a big applause from the floor.
Goodie bag and souvenirs; PAM recycled notebook. A button named NOW:WHAT. Datum brochures for the whole session.
We met coincidentally and its just three-of-us.

Sim and me.

Sim and Naz; the independent photographer.
The limited edition Master Class programme (PAM Education Competition). Congrates for those who have been selected. All the best to you!
I am so restless today. Having alot of walk and talk. But meeting new peeps make me feels good. After the conference had finished, we went to Archidex Exhibition at the Ground Level. We really enjoyed the demonstration by each booth. To express how enjoy we are, we went home with hands full of paper bag!
Cant wait for tomorrow session. =)
I am so restless today. Having alot of walk and talk. But meeting new peeps make me feels good. After the conference had finished, we went to Archidex Exhibition at the Ground Level. We really enjoyed the demonstration by each booth. To express how enjoy we are, we went home with hands full of paper bag!
Cant wait for tomorrow session. =)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
biar betul : biar betul-betul
Ingat senang ke nak buat keputusan?
Lagi2 dengan aku yang tak-berapa-nak-tekad-dan-sume-benda-nak-main-main-je
Hah... hambik..
Try and error memang aplikasi aku. Kebanyakkannya error dan ada je benda yang slack. Walau camtu aku boleh je hidup dan survive lagi.
Orang kata nasib.
Tapi nasib tu tak selalunya baik.
Dan aku pun tak bergantung sepenuhnya pada nasib. Aku perlu usaha.
Tapi aku rasa aku belum sedia untuk memikul tanggungjawab serius.
Walau aku rasa sebenarnya aku mampu.
Tapi dah tak larat dah... penat 1 tahun + 5 tahun straight belajar..
Walau aku rasa sebenarnya aku masih minat dengan bidang ini.
Tapi lagi best kot duduk melepak.....
Walau sebenarnya lagi best dapat gaji daripada lepak kosong.
AH kau Anis...
Banyak tapi2.
Nak seribu daya OK..
Tapi betul ke aku nak?
Apa arah tuju aku lepas ni. Practice atau study - Lagi?
Bermain dengan warna dan pensel. Mereka dan berimaginasi. Merancang dan membina.
Inikah yang aku nak?
Inilah kau, anis. Ini dunia kau.
Sebenarnya aku telah memilih bidang yang betul. Dan aku perlu teruskan hingga ke hujungnya.
May ALLAH bless.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Terang! lagi!
HAMPIR dua minggu event Terang! berlalu. Seronok, beronok-ronok bila bertambah kawan2 baru. Aku jadi fasi untuk budak2 UIA (sebutan: Uiya). Dorang sumpah cool, sporting and best sangat. Bila aku ngan Didi bawak dorang ke dewan, ke FAB square, sorakan cheers dari seorang cheerleader - "Aiyuha syabaaaab..." lalu disambut dengan sorakan ramai - "UIYAAA!!" sangat menggamatkan suasana. Aku bangga dengan semangat budak2 ni.
Tak kurang jugak dengan Group 7 yang aku ngan Didi perlu handle. Group 7 merupakan group daripada sesi ice breaking - campuran dari semua school. Dalam group ni ada budak2 Poli PD, KK Tapah, UIA, USM, UKM dan UiTM Shah Alam. Maka secara tak langsung aku kenal dengan ramai peserta. Sebagai pemerhati (jugak) aku rasa semua peserta Terang! sangat cool dan awesome. Memang Gila la Weh!! (tagline cheers Terang!)
Kalau citer pasal Terang xtaula bile nak abes. Banyak sangat kenangan manis, sedih pun ye (lagi pulak ni event terakhir sebelum aku BLAH dari UTM ni). Actually kemeriahan Terang ni juga mendapat perhatian daripada media press - UTUSAN:
dan juga mendapat pengiktirafan daripada Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) melalui sebuah modul Terang @ JB. Kat modul ni semua peserta perlu complete 2 task; 1) heritage trail [ala-ala Amazing Race], 2) Installation Wire Mesh [street furniture]
Betapa Terangnya bandar JB hari tersebut! Kecoh! Riuh! Sampai Oppa kami (Mr. Director Boon Soon) pun ditemubual oleh TV AlHijrah.
Dan pagi tadi aku baca entri ni (tiba2 rasa bangga jap):

Dengar jugak peserta Terang yang nak sambung study di UTM. Anda semua amat dialu-alukan. Welcome to our school of architecture!
Betapa Terang!nya event ni maka dah Terangkan mata semua pihak. Akhirnya budak kos lain buka mata bahawa wujud komuniti budak Senibina yang 'macam-macam' kat bumi UTM ni.
Lega bila Terang dah selesai. Aku dapat rasakan event ni berjaya dan tidak kurang kalah dengan event Olympiarch yang dianjurkan UTM 5 tahun lalu. Maka dengan itu harap-harapnya super senior kami tak berasa malu dengan kesinambungan event ini.
Dan hubungan aku dengan budak2 UIYA dan Group 7 pun tak terhenti setakat di Terang. Bertalu-talu sambung kemeriahan di fb sendiri, fb Terang. Yang terbaru, warga UIA menjemput kami untuk menghadiri Heritage Studies Exhibition.
Recent event : Heritage Studies Exhibition
Venue : Kuliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, UIA, Gombak
Date : 28 June - 1 July 2011
Mari lebarkan jaringan kenalan. Mari luaskan pengetahuan!
Harap ukhwah berkekalan sampai bila-bila. =)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
TeranG! - 1st day
Rasa macam ada semangat baru bila nampak pintu gerbang UTM. Yep, kami kembali ke sini untuk Terang!. Walaupun penat perjalanan satu hari ni, tetap rasa seronok. Seronok sebab dapat berkumpul dan naik satu kete dengan besties-ku!
Bangun awal kot~ kul 5 pagi tadi. Pastu tunggu intan kat KL Sentral. Nasib baikla KL Sentral tu ada macam2. Mula2 lepak kat kedai buku. Bukan baca surat khabar, baca majalah Architect Concept. Leka kot. Tajuknya Yeang Stories. Kalau tak ngenangkan beg yang padat gila (1 beg deuter 1 beg pegang), memang aku beli je majalah tu. Best kot! Edisi baru agaknya. Tak pernah perasan pun sebelum ni. Lepas balik dari jb nanti nak singgah beli! *wishlist*
Hampir sejam gak ah kat situ. Mana nak pegi ni? Ohh, baru teringat belum brekfes lagi. Maka aku pun singgah la kat kfc (wah, brekfes kfc tu!) --- sebab ada wifi okay! (teringat ada netbook) Pekena la hot porridge ngan hot tea. Tunggu lama camni baru rasa jadi traveller. Tengok orang kiri kanan, sume pun muka boring tunggu (train, kawan, dan entah apa lagi). Gila bosan. Aku pun bosan tengok muka sorang2. Untuk buang masa lagi aku pun online dan main fb.
Elok je bukak, dapat msg dari intan. Oh, dia dah sampai. Adoi. Baru nak leka2. Msg yon pulak, dia nak masak2 dulu. Dia suruh lepak2 kat KL Sentral. Akhirnya aku dan intan naik komuter laluan ke Seremban pukul 9.57 pagi. Masuk koc wanita lah.
Warga lelaki Myanmar/Vietnam yang sumpah annoying gila. Bukan sorang dua, ada geng lelaki perempuan. Sepanjang jalan yang selama 45 minit tu buat pekak je tengok peel sorang2. Series. Memang annoying. Dahlah ramai kat situ, pastu sengaja duduk angkat2 kaki letak kat seat sebelah, memang geli. Aku suruh intan duduk. Tak teringin nak duduk pulak. Rupanya intan pun mengadu, "Uiii bau dorang. Berbau sangat!"
Okey.... nasib baik tak duduk.
Memerhatikan 3 orang kanak-kanak yang duduk kat depan aku lagi seronok. Si adik ngantuk sangat, tertidur. Kepala pulak ke kiri ke kanan ikut arah train bergerak. Terkena bahu si kakak, kakak pulak layankan aje. *Teringat Aliah, Amni dan Ayra kat rumah. Okey rindu sudah*
Yon amek kitorang dalam kul 11 lebih. Nasib baik tak bawak luggage! Penuh satu kete dah. Sampai kat seat belakang pun terpaksa duduk bersila. Tak kisahpun. Seronok ramai2.
Yon pecut 120-140km/hr, kejap je sampai JB. Dalam kul 3 lebih sampai. Pastu amek kunci kat Farah, sempat gak ronda studio tengok budak2 ni buat keje.
Sampai bilik, terus setup barang2, lepak!!! Penat.
Kul 6 lebih rasa lapar, terus gerak g Agus. Lapar punya pasal tau x ktrg order apa?
- Fie -order roti Milo dan Bakso
- Aku - order roti Milo dan Kuey tiau Hong Kong
- Intan - order roti Milo dan nasi lemak ayam (minah ni tak penah2 pulak makan banyak. Macam tak caya)
- Yon - order nasi lemak ayam rendang
Sume pakat amek roti Milo sebab teringin sangat. Hah, last skali Yon yang abeskan sume. Coihh~ tu la orang tamak selalu rugi. Tapiiii.... sume pun memang sedap sangat!
Wajah kesedapan yon. Nyum!!
Kuey tiau Hong Kong (jauh ni!)
Roti Milo! Ini serieeeesss sedap!
Wajib try bila anda sampai ke Skudai!
Kami pun balik membawa perut yang kenyang tahap maksimum!! (Ini tidak elok ok). Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki arini. Besok dah start ikat perut sebab dah mula buat kerja! Malam ni? Errrrrmmmmm nampak gaya tido dulu lah.
Orang kata, charge energy =]
Friday, June 3, 2011
Lagi sehari je aku duduk kat rumah. Esok nak shopping, malamnya nak ke wedding kawan mak. Lusa aku akan bertolak ke JB. Baju sume dah packing, tinggal barang mandi, barang makeup (bukan full set pun), kamera (ha! jangan lupe nis!) pastu ape ek? (secara tak langsung aku me-list-kan barang2 yg masih belum masuk beg).
Aku ke JB sebab dah terikat dengan Architech UTM untuk jadi fasi program Terang! Architectural Workshop yang akan berlangsung pada 12 Jun - 16 Jun 2011. Selama tiga minggu bercuti (kat umah) ni aku mendapat rehat yang terbaik. Kumpul energy, sampai sana nak kerja kuat pulak. Dah janji dengan adik-adik junior untuk sampai ke skudai 5hb. Kesian dorang. Aku update fb sekarang ni untuk tau progres dorang kat group je. Aku rasa fb ni dah xde makna since uni life aku pun dah habis. Tinggal lagi untuk keep in touch dengan kawan2 jela yang buat aku agak rajin untuk berfb.
Tak ramai pun yang tau aku ade blog. Aku update kat sini je cite terbaru.
So untuk sesiapa yang nak tau Terang! Architectural Workshop ni merupakan annual event bagi semua budak archi dari semua kampus (ipta, ipts, kolej komuniti, poli). Setiap tahun event ni diadakan di universiti yg berlainan. Dan kali ni UTM jadi host. Sebab tu la kitorang kerja kuat dari sem lepas untuk pastikan event yg terbesar ni akan berlangsung dengan baik. Aku dah tau figure sebenar. Terang! kali ni akan mengumpulkan seramai 400 orang peserta. Ni event student yang organize, antara objektifnya nak merapatkan semua pelajar senibina dan bina jaringan kenalan yang lebih ramai. Banyak faedah di masa depan nanti.

Sementara countdown, budak2 ni ade buat terabot (maskot terang!). Sume orang produce terabot sendiri dan letak di profile pic fb. Taulah budak2 ni, bila dah ramai tu macam2 la pesen terabot yang dihasilkan. Aku pun tak lepaskan peluang untuk design terabot versi aku sendiri. Hehe. Namanya? Aku namakan tera-cool.
Heheh. Pasal budak UTM famous dengan cool blog. So aku design cool blog ah. Dah jadi macam cool blog yang sponsor terang!. Haha. Belasah. (Sebenarnya aku rindu blueberry milk tea extra pearl! xpe nanti duk JB aku layann puas2!)
Tak cukup 1, rasa macam nak design lagi pulak. Kali ni aku terinspirasi daripada karektor favourite masa kecik-kecik dulu >> sailormoon! yeah! Tak sampai 1 jam pun. tera-moon dah siap! yeeeeha!

dengan kuasa bulan aku menghukummu!!
Amacam? Comel tak? Haha. Fun je buat benda alah ni. Lagi pulak dah lama tak usik Photoshop tuh. Itu software wajib untuk design board dan edit gambar2 projek studio (haishh apesal rindu nih). Ironinya, kalau buat design selalu je stres, xde idea lah, tapi kalau bab edit gambar, buat benda lain selain studio, amboiiiiiii...... memang lajuuu je buat.
Kat bawah ni few design budak2 lain. Layannn.
hg kata hg tera..!! haha lawak! (by anep - penang mai!)
tera-hulk! (by hafiez)
tak best guna layout asal, ada gak yang berani ubah terabot sendiri....
yang bawah ni aku suka la.. comel gila..

Aku ke JB sebab dah terikat dengan Architech UTM untuk jadi fasi program Terang! Architectural Workshop yang akan berlangsung pada 12 Jun - 16 Jun 2011. Selama tiga minggu bercuti (kat umah) ni aku mendapat rehat yang terbaik. Kumpul energy, sampai sana nak kerja kuat pulak. Dah janji dengan adik-adik junior untuk sampai ke skudai 5hb. Kesian dorang. Aku update fb sekarang ni untuk tau progres dorang kat group je. Aku rasa fb ni dah xde makna since uni life aku pun dah habis. Tinggal lagi untuk keep in touch dengan kawan2 jela yang buat aku agak rajin untuk berfb.
Tak ramai pun yang tau aku ade blog. Aku update kat sini je cite terbaru.
So untuk sesiapa yang nak tau Terang! Architectural Workshop ni merupakan annual event bagi semua budak archi dari semua kampus (ipta, ipts, kolej komuniti, poli). Setiap tahun event ni diadakan di universiti yg berlainan. Dan kali ni UTM jadi host. Sebab tu la kitorang kerja kuat dari sem lepas untuk pastikan event yg terbesar ni akan berlangsung dengan baik. Aku dah tau figure sebenar. Terang! kali ni akan mengumpulkan seramai 400 orang peserta. Ni event student yang organize, antara objektifnya nak merapatkan semua pelajar senibina dan bina jaringan kenalan yang lebih ramai. Banyak faedah di masa depan nanti.

Sementara countdown, budak2 ni ade buat terabot (maskot terang!). Sume orang produce terabot sendiri dan letak di profile pic fb. Taulah budak2 ni, bila dah ramai tu macam2 la pesen terabot yang dihasilkan. Aku pun tak lepaskan peluang untuk design terabot versi aku sendiri. Hehe. Namanya? Aku namakan tera-cool.
Heheh. Pasal budak UTM famous dengan cool blog. So aku design cool blog ah. Dah jadi macam cool blog yang sponsor terang!. Haha. Belasah. (Sebenarnya aku rindu blueberry milk tea extra pearl! xpe nanti duk JB aku layann puas2!)
Tak cukup 1, rasa macam nak design lagi pulak. Kali ni aku terinspirasi daripada karektor favourite masa kecik-kecik dulu >> sailormoon! yeah! Tak sampai 1 jam pun. tera-moon dah siap! yeeeeha!

dengan kuasa bulan aku menghukummu!!
Amacam? Comel tak? Haha. Fun je buat benda alah ni. Lagi pulak dah lama tak usik Photoshop tuh. Itu software wajib untuk design board dan edit gambar2 projek studio (haishh apesal rindu nih). Ironinya, kalau buat design selalu je stres, xde idea lah, tapi kalau bab edit gambar, buat benda lain selain studio, amboiiiiiii...... memang lajuuu je buat.
Kat bawah ni few design budak2 lain. Layannn.
tak best guna layout asal, ada gak yang berani ubah terabot sendiri....
yang bawah ni aku suka la.. comel gila..
teratles! (by fadh)
Bila banyak terabot, maka banyak design lah.
Nama pun jadi macam2. Sume nak ter-ter. Sampai eja teruk pun jadi ter-uk. Haihh. Sakit perut tengok sorang2 punya peel.
Haaa... leka kan kalau tengok! Banyak lagiii budak2 ni buat. Tak larat la nak upload satu2. Ter-banyaknye terabot ni sampai ade yang buat kompilasi bagai. Perhh.. budak2 aku ni sangat semangat. Sangat terang! haha.

Bila banyak terabot, maka banyak design lah.
Nama pun jadi macam2. Sume nak ter-ter. Sampai eja teruk pun jadi ter-uk. Haihh. Sakit perut tengok sorang2 punya peel.
Haaa... leka kan kalau tengok! Banyak lagiii budak2 ni buat. Tak larat la nak upload satu2. Ter-banyaknye terabot ni sampai ade yang buat kompilasi bagai. Perhh.. budak2 aku ni sangat semangat. Sangat terang! haha.
Kompilasi terabot (by ecah)
Fuh..! Saja nak meriah2. Suka2. Meriahnya design terabot ni sampai nak buat poster. Bagus jugak. Bila buat camni ramai yang contribute. Nampakla masing2 sokong event ni.
Kalau nak tau lagi pasal terang!, ni official website kami. klik terang!
Fuh..! Saja nak meriah2. Suka2. Meriahnya design terabot ni sampai nak buat poster. Bagus jugak. Bila buat camni ramai yang contribute. Nampakla masing2 sokong event ni.
Kalau nak tau lagi pasal terang!, ni official website kami. klik terang!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
14 Ways to encourage your children to read
Menarik kan tajuk di atas? Got it from here. Lets READ!
1 June 2011
If on average one person in Malaysia reads only two books a year, you should be worried. We have low statistics for reading, low enough to make Malaysians rethink living in a high performance culture.
But, if you want to do something different, here’s what I do to teach and nurture my children's love for reading.
1. Turn reading into a habit.
I get my children involved in activities that require books or reading materials. I practise this every day to make sure it becomes part of their life.

2. Be extremely excited when there’s a book fair.
I will tell them news about book events, like a book fair that’s happening every year. And, don’t get too excited when you receive an SMS about a sale at your favourite departmental store which has nothing to improve your child's reading level.
3. Cut off the Astro subscription or switch off the TV.
I can guarantee you that no one will cut off their Astro subscription. If you would, it would get your children off the couch and into new and more productive activities like reading.
One morning, I tried not to turn on the TV for my children. Guess what? At first, they yelled at me (of course, they got disciplined for that. I am a strict father who doesn’t go soft with his children.) But, then they started to play with their toys. They even went to get some books.
Everything changed after that. Now, they don’t even bother to turn on the TV when they are in the living room. They aren’t attached to the buzz of the TV anymore. Freedom. They have their toys and books, and they have each other to play with or for company.
I myself have not been a regular TV watcher for four years now.
4. Go to the zoo with an animal book.
For our first visit to Zoo Negara with my son, I bought a book about animals. So when we met the orang utan, rhinoceros, giraffe, or even elephant, I simply matched them with the animals in the book.
What happened after that was the enthusiasm of constantly showing me, in the book, the animals that he had seen. In our house, he keeps the book by his side. He keeps talking about how big the elephant was, compared with the one in the book.
5. Turn off the TV at prime time.
In our house, we turn off the TV at around 8pm and we sit with our books. For at least 30-60 minutes, my full attention is given to teaching them to read. Let’s forget about news and everything. The world isn’t going to end if you don’t watch the prime time news.
6. Buy an iPad or iPod book and interactive apps.
There are a lot of book and interactive apps for children. Most of the awesome apps are as cheap as US$0.99 – that is about RM3.50.
Some say, if we embrace the technology, we have an advantage over our competitors (well, consider other families as your competitors, in this case). These are the devices that will catapult the children's education miles forward.

7. Eat books, sleep books, drink books.
Change the rules of your family: We take a book with us everywhere we go, from every corner of the house to every place of interest we visit. Turn the reading habit into everyday routines.
8. Book, book, book.
Buy books, or something that indirectly contributes to reading a book. For a start, I bought books just for collection. Then I bought a book rack, then another large book rack. Eventually, I realised that my house was full of books. From there you can inculcate an interest for books among your children.
9. Birthday gift is a book.
I can imagine how much my children would frown if I were to buy them only books for their birthdays. So, instead, every year, I buy two special gifts: One is a book – the compulsory gift, and the other is a gift that is not a book.
The reason I buy a book for their birthday every year is that I want them to love books, and I want them to have books on their special day.
10. Buy them a cheap book for on-the-spot reading when buying groceries.
When they follow us to buy groceries at Tesco or Carrefour, I will buy a book for them. Then I ask them to read it in front of me. If both you and your wife are doing the grocery shopping, one person can concentrate on the groceries while the other tends to the children and turns the shopping experience into a learning one.
11. Book is the new toy.
Think of a new book as a new toy. You should prefer books over a remote control car or Play-Doh . I know that your kids’ life will be like mine. In my family, my parents would buy books first. As for toys, my father would only buy it if it was a tool for helping in my development and making me think.
12. You need to read every day, too.
I make it a point to read every day so that my children will, too. Remember, if you aren't interested in reading, then don’t blame your children who hate reading.
13. Write a book
Tired of stories that don’t follow your own interests? You can draw and write your own story. I am good in drawing and definitely my children's super heroes are the main characters of my stories. This is how I get them interested in reading stories.
14. Go to a bookstore every time you visit a shopping mall.
Why not make a regular visit to a bookstore every time you visit the shopping mall? I would definitely make a stop at MPH, Kinokuniya and Popular. The bookstore offers an expansion of books to read for hours. Plus, the people in the bookstore who are avid readers will inspire you and make you want to read, too.
We, parents, need to put in the effort to encourage our next generation so that they appreciate reading and know how important it is to build a knowledgeable society. Hopefully my suggestions will encourage our children to read.
Mohd Mujahid Ismail
1 June 2011
If on average one person in Malaysia reads only two books a year, you should be worried. We have low statistics for reading, low enough to make Malaysians rethink living in a high performance culture.
But, if you want to do something different, here’s what I do to teach and nurture my children's love for reading.
1. Turn reading into a habit.
I get my children involved in activities that require books or reading materials. I practise this every day to make sure it becomes part of their life.
2. Be extremely excited when there’s a book fair.
I will tell them news about book events, like a book fair that’s happening every year. And, don’t get too excited when you receive an SMS about a sale at your favourite departmental store which has nothing to improve your child's reading level.
3. Cut off the Astro subscription or switch off the TV.
I can guarantee you that no one will cut off their Astro subscription. If you would, it would get your children off the couch and into new and more productive activities like reading.
One morning, I tried not to turn on the TV for my children. Guess what? At first, they yelled at me (of course, they got disciplined for that. I am a strict father who doesn’t go soft with his children.) But, then they started to play with their toys. They even went to get some books.
Everything changed after that. Now, they don’t even bother to turn on the TV when they are in the living room. They aren’t attached to the buzz of the TV anymore. Freedom. They have their toys and books, and they have each other to play with or for company.
I myself have not been a regular TV watcher for four years now.
4. Go to the zoo with an animal book.
For our first visit to Zoo Negara with my son, I bought a book about animals. So when we met the orang utan, rhinoceros, giraffe, or even elephant, I simply matched them with the animals in the book.
What happened after that was the enthusiasm of constantly showing me, in the book, the animals that he had seen. In our house, he keeps the book by his side. He keeps talking about how big the elephant was, compared with the one in the book.
5. Turn off the TV at prime time.
In our house, we turn off the TV at around 8pm and we sit with our books. For at least 30-60 minutes, my full attention is given to teaching them to read. Let’s forget about news and everything. The world isn’t going to end if you don’t watch the prime time news.
6. Buy an iPad or iPod book and interactive apps.
There are a lot of book and interactive apps for children. Most of the awesome apps are as cheap as US$0.99 – that is about RM3.50.
Some say, if we embrace the technology, we have an advantage over our competitors (well, consider other families as your competitors, in this case). These are the devices that will catapult the children's education miles forward.
7. Eat books, sleep books, drink books.
Change the rules of your family: We take a book with us everywhere we go, from every corner of the house to every place of interest we visit. Turn the reading habit into everyday routines.
8. Book, book, book.
Buy books, or something that indirectly contributes to reading a book. For a start, I bought books just for collection. Then I bought a book rack, then another large book rack. Eventually, I realised that my house was full of books. From there you can inculcate an interest for books among your children.
9. Birthday gift is a book.
I can imagine how much my children would frown if I were to buy them only books for their birthdays. So, instead, every year, I buy two special gifts: One is a book – the compulsory gift, and the other is a gift that is not a book.
The reason I buy a book for their birthday every year is that I want them to love books, and I want them to have books on their special day.
10. Buy them a cheap book for on-the-spot reading when buying groceries.
When they follow us to buy groceries at Tesco or Carrefour, I will buy a book for them. Then I ask them to read it in front of me. If both you and your wife are doing the grocery shopping, one person can concentrate on the groceries while the other tends to the children and turns the shopping experience into a learning one.
11. Book is the new toy.
Think of a new book as a new toy. You should prefer books over a remote control car or Play-Doh . I know that your kids’ life will be like mine. In my family, my parents would buy books first. As for toys, my father would only buy it if it was a tool for helping in my development and making me think.
12. You need to read every day, too.
I make it a point to read every day so that my children will, too. Remember, if you aren't interested in reading, then don’t blame your children who hate reading.
13. Write a book
Tired of stories that don’t follow your own interests? You can draw and write your own story. I am good in drawing and definitely my children's super heroes are the main characters of my stories. This is how I get them interested in reading stories.
14. Go to a bookstore every time you visit a shopping mall.
Why not make a regular visit to a bookstore every time you visit the shopping mall? I would definitely make a stop at MPH, Kinokuniya and Popular. The bookstore offers an expansion of books to read for hours. Plus, the people in the bookstore who are avid readers will inspire you and make you want to read, too.
We, parents, need to put in the effort to encourage our next generation so that they appreciate reading and know how important it is to build a knowledgeable society. Hopefully my suggestions will encourage our children to read.
Mohd Mujahid Ismail
Saturday, May 28, 2011
mari bersosial!
Setelah hampir 2 minggu terperap kat umah (kononnya), aku menyambut jemputan majlis perkahwinan anak En. Azmi dengan gembira. Sebabnya 1 je... kalau pegi wedding tu maknanya dapatla jumpa balik geng aku kat aRahDESIGN dulu >>> siti ngan emy! Sayangnya emy tak dapat join kali ni sebab pegi wedding kat terengganu.
Maka dengan itu aku pun ikut Siti. Siti amek aku kat umah. Arini aku x main lilit2, pakai bawal biasa. Baju pun baju recycle. Baju matrik dulu (haaaaaaaaa matrik! baju 5 tahun lepas!) So banyak ceritalah. Cerita kat ArAH, cerita bos aku En. Amzar pakai kereta barulah, macam-macam. Kami keluar pukul 11 lebih, pukul 12 lebih Pn. Aziah call ajak konvoi. Maka Siti pun parkinglah kat depan Raintree club, Ampang. Kami berdua naik kereta baru En. Amzar, kereta Hyundai Tuckson. wahhhh..
"Hai... anis! Apa kabar?" Aku salam Pn. Aziah. En. Amzar hanya sebut namaku.
"Hehe. sihat."
"Bila habis?"
"Baru je ni.. dah 2 minggu kat umah." Sungguh aku malu ter-jumpa dorang dalam keadaan camni. X ready kot!!!!!
"Tak apply keje ke?"
"aaa... tak lagi."
"Taknak masuk ArAH?"
"Boleh lagi ke?"
"Boleh........" Dua-dua jawab serentak. Uiii terharu aku. Dorang masih welcome aku lagi rupanya.
"Camne tu? email? Nak tunjuk portfolio?" soalku lagi.
"No.. u just come on Monday ke.. we discuss about it. Any keje yang u boleh buat.. then after u habis, we'll talk about other things la.." jawab En. Amzar. Aku suka dengan cara dia. Rilek je.
"So what's your thesis?"
"Thesis? Em.. converting shop office into shophouse." jawabku.
"I told you... you will never score in housing development." Dia memberi amaran. GULP!! Alamak! Dia pernah cakap ke ek? Macam tak pernah. Entah? Eh kau ni anis!
"You will score in museum design, gallery...." Sambil cekap mengawal stering kereta. Aku cuma mengangguk-angguk.
Aii... rindu pulak dengar term-term archi ni. Dan dikelilingi dengan warga archi.
Mendengarkan itu, buat aku rasa lega. Nasib baik tak mintak mana2. Cuma aku x ready untuk bekerja lagi sekarang ni. En. Amzar tau aku nak balik JB, so dia bagi pilihan untuk kerja sementara sebelum aku betul-betul grad.
Sepanjang perjalanan ke Hulu Langat banyak bercerita tentang ArAH dan situasi fresh grad sekarang. Aku dan Siti pun menjawab bila ditanya. Aku bukan banyak cakap pun. Segan kot. Depan bos kan. Tapi Pn. Aziah la yang macam biasa banyak cakap. Ada je cerita.
Sampai je kat dewan wedding anak En. Azmi, kitorang kua. Aku dan Siti tunggu kak Fatin. kak Fatin tu arkitek kat ArAH. Lepas aku abis praktikal tahun lepas, dia masuk pulak. So ni kira first time la jumpa dia. Ok je orangnya. Bole buat gurau jugaklah. =)
Masa jumpa En. Azmi, dia macam ingat-ingat lupa aku. Bila aku perkenalkan diri, dia gelak. Hehe. En. Azmi ni draughtman yang sangat berpengalaman tau! Orang kepercayaan En. Amzar dan En. Hanaz.
Sedap gak lauk-lauk kenduri. Boleh tak kenduri ade lauk masak lomak ayam cili padi? Osahla... tapi tak bape nak cili padi sangatla. hehe. Aku pun bukan main..... konon selesema sakit tekak, berteguk-teguk aku minum air sirap sejuk. Bukan main kau yeee anis! Masa makan-makan tu En. Amzar sempat gak korek pasal office kat kak Fatin. Dia tanya pasal site discussion. Aku pasang telinga jelah dengar. Hoho.
Disebabkan pengantin lambat datang dan hari pun gelap, maka kami pun gerak pulang. Sempat Pn. Aziah n En. Amzar pesan, "Korang ni kalau kawin, datang cepat sikit. Ni lambat, orang dah habis makan." Haha... yang kawin tu tentulah bukan aku. Siti terrr-sipu-sipu malu. Hailah. Orang yang dah kojo yolah buleh kawen kan. Boleh tak statement tu? Ahaks.
Otw balik ni x banyak sangat cakap. Hujan melimpah turun. Sume orang ngantuk kot sebab kenyang sangat. Bila sampai kat Raintree Club, Siti dah mula kuarkan kunci kereta, En. Amzar pulak masuk parking. Haikkk???
"Kita masuk dulu lah. Pergi washroom ke. Minum-minum dulu." Waaaa.... aku pandang Siti, Siti pandang aku. Kenyanggg kot!
Ni kali kedua aku masuk Clubhouse. Dulu first time Abg G bawak. Masuk-masuk je jumpa bowling area. Macam sunyi je. Takde orang. Ohhh lupa. Private kan!
Aku ngan Siti gi washroom, Pn. Aziah tunggu kat kafe.
Lepas kitorang kuar, kitorang pun terus ke kafe. Nampak tak nampakla aku dengan Pn. Aziah tu sebab kerusi kafe pun tenggelam! (kerusi lembut) Nasib baik dia lambai tangan. Tempat kami tu dekat dengan swimming pool. Saat aku duduk... fuuuu... gile cool tempat ni. Agak jakun la aku sebenarnya. Tapi control2 je. Hehs.
Di meja empat segi kecil tu, Pn. Aziah di sebelah kiri aku, Siti kat sebelah kanan aku, En. Amzar depan aku. Posisi aku ngan En. Amzar pulak boleh tengok tv kat depan. Siti je yang membelakangi tv. Sebelah tempat kami ade meja lain pulak. Ade la dua orang kat situ. Aku tengok perempuan tu sedap je makan. Mesti makanan kat sini sedap-sedap!
"Orderlah. Nak roti ke, ape ke.." Pn. Aziah suruh kami order. Fuhh! Aku dengan Siti dah sama menjeling. Sengih.
"Kenyanglah puan..."
"Ohh kenyang? Pilih la dessert." Pulak. Aduh. Pn. Aziah beria tunjuk bahagian dessert di menu yang aku pegang. So aku amek la ice lemon tea (amboiiii nisss bukan main kau yeee!) Siti pulak amek aiskrim.
"Aikk.. aiskrim pun nak share??" tegur En. Amzar. Haha... kitorang gelak je.
"Bagi sudu dua ye, untuk aiskrim." Pn. Aziah pesan. Waa baik gile! Terima kasih puan!
Aku pun tengok2la tv tu. Pertandingan badminton. Masa aku tengok tv tergantung tu mamat kat depan aku toleh belakang. Maka aku tertengok muka dia. Emmm.. macam kenal la.
"Eh Lin.... makan tu je??" En. Amzar tegur mamat ngan perempuan tadi. Lin? Bila dia toleh lagi, laaaa... Adlin Aman Ramli!
"Puan.. tu Adlin Aman Ramli kan?"
"Haah.. dorang member jugaklah tu.." Dengan rileknye Pn. Aziah menjawab. Pehh... rilek je dorang ni. Ohhh lupa. Ni kan private club. Haruslah member!! Hailahh aku ni pun.....!
Dan rupanya di sebelahnya Emilia Rosnaida. Ohh sangat santai. Emilia toleh gak pastu senyum kat aku. Cantik! Aku senyum balik la. Nampak ramah. Mungkin sebab dorang memang kenal En. Amzar dan isteri.
"Bila dorang nak datang Lin? Kau contact budak2 ni.." Dari nada aku dengar En. Amzar cakap dengan Adlin tu memang macam ngam gile.
Bila makanan kitorang dah sampai, separuh makan dahpun, En. Amzar tegur dorang lagi. "Eh Lin.. kau order apa?"
"Nasi putih.."
"Baik ko tanye dorang. Entah-entah buat nasi goreng. Bukan betul tu."
Emilia cepat-cepat lambai. Waiter pun datang, barula nak amek order. Tapi aku tengok dorang dua pun tak marah.
"Lambatnya Lin. betul ke nasi putih?" En. Amzar tegur lagi.
"Beli beras kot?"
"Hahaha...." Dua-dua gelak. Hoho. Memang makanan Adlin sampai lambat la. Tapi dia cool je.
Habis makan je, Pn. Aziah mintak tolong Siti hantar balik. Alang-alang tuh Siti hantar terus ke rumah. Maka dapatla aku tengok rumah Pn. Aziah dan En. Amzar buat pertama kali. Besar gak. Kat area Taman Melawati, area umah pak jang aku.
Siti hantar aku dalam pukul 4.30 petang. Disebabkan kami sama-sama belum Zuhur, maka aku ajak dia singgah solat di rumah aku dulu.
Aku rindukan ArAH rupanya....
Maka dengan itu aku pun ikut Siti. Siti amek aku kat umah. Arini aku x main lilit2, pakai bawal biasa. Baju pun baju recycle. Baju matrik dulu (haaaaaaaaa matrik! baju 5 tahun lepas!) So banyak ceritalah. Cerita kat ArAH, cerita bos aku En. Amzar pakai kereta barulah, macam-macam. Kami keluar pukul 11 lebih, pukul 12 lebih Pn. Aziah call ajak konvoi. Maka Siti pun parkinglah kat depan Raintree club, Ampang. Kami berdua naik kereta baru En. Amzar, kereta Hyundai Tuckson. wahhhh..
"Hai... anis! Apa kabar?" Aku salam Pn. Aziah. En. Amzar hanya sebut namaku.
"Hehe. sihat."
"Bila habis?"
"Baru je ni.. dah 2 minggu kat umah." Sungguh aku malu ter-jumpa dorang dalam keadaan camni. X ready kot!!!!!
"Tak apply keje ke?"
"aaa... tak lagi."
"Taknak masuk ArAH?"
"Boleh lagi ke?"
"Boleh........" Dua-dua jawab serentak. Uiii terharu aku. Dorang masih welcome aku lagi rupanya.
"Camne tu? email? Nak tunjuk portfolio?" soalku lagi.
"No.. u just come on Monday ke.. we discuss about it. Any keje yang u boleh buat.. then after u habis, we'll talk about other things la.." jawab En. Amzar. Aku suka dengan cara dia. Rilek je.
"So what's your thesis?"
"Thesis? Em.. converting shop office into shophouse." jawabku.
"I told you... you will never score in housing development." Dia memberi amaran. GULP!! Alamak! Dia pernah cakap ke ek? Macam tak pernah. Entah? Eh kau ni anis!
"You will score in museum design, gallery...." Sambil cekap mengawal stering kereta. Aku cuma mengangguk-angguk.
Aii... rindu pulak dengar term-term archi ni. Dan dikelilingi dengan warga archi.
Mendengarkan itu, buat aku rasa lega. Nasib baik tak mintak mana2. Cuma aku x ready untuk bekerja lagi sekarang ni. En. Amzar tau aku nak balik JB, so dia bagi pilihan untuk kerja sementara sebelum aku betul-betul grad.
Sepanjang perjalanan ke Hulu Langat banyak bercerita tentang ArAH dan situasi fresh grad sekarang. Aku dan Siti pun menjawab bila ditanya. Aku bukan banyak cakap pun. Segan kot. Depan bos kan. Tapi Pn. Aziah la yang macam biasa banyak cakap. Ada je cerita.
Sampai je kat dewan wedding anak En. Azmi, kitorang kua. Aku dan Siti tunggu kak Fatin. kak Fatin tu arkitek kat ArAH. Lepas aku abis praktikal tahun lepas, dia masuk pulak. So ni kira first time la jumpa dia. Ok je orangnya. Bole buat gurau jugaklah. =)
Masa jumpa En. Azmi, dia macam ingat-ingat lupa aku. Bila aku perkenalkan diri, dia gelak. Hehe. En. Azmi ni draughtman yang sangat berpengalaman tau! Orang kepercayaan En. Amzar dan En. Hanaz.
Sedap gak lauk-lauk kenduri. Boleh tak kenduri ade lauk masak lomak ayam cili padi? Osahla... tapi tak bape nak cili padi sangatla. hehe. Aku pun bukan main..... konon selesema sakit tekak, berteguk-teguk aku minum air sirap sejuk. Bukan main kau yeee anis! Masa makan-makan tu En. Amzar sempat gak korek pasal office kat kak Fatin. Dia tanya pasal site discussion. Aku pasang telinga jelah dengar. Hoho.
Disebabkan pengantin lambat datang dan hari pun gelap, maka kami pun gerak pulang. Sempat Pn. Aziah n En. Amzar pesan, "Korang ni kalau kawin, datang cepat sikit. Ni lambat, orang dah habis makan." Haha... yang kawin tu tentulah bukan aku. Siti terrr-sipu-sipu malu. Hailah. Orang yang dah kojo yolah buleh kawen kan. Boleh tak statement tu? Ahaks.
Otw balik ni x banyak sangat cakap. Hujan melimpah turun. Sume orang ngantuk kot sebab kenyang sangat. Bila sampai kat Raintree Club, Siti dah mula kuarkan kunci kereta, En. Amzar pulak masuk parking. Haikkk???
"Kita masuk dulu lah. Pergi washroom ke. Minum-minum dulu." Waaaa.... aku pandang Siti, Siti pandang aku. Kenyanggg kot!
Ni kali kedua aku masuk Clubhouse. Dulu first time Abg G bawak. Masuk-masuk je jumpa bowling area. Macam sunyi je. Takde orang. Ohhh lupa. Private kan!
Aku ngan Siti gi washroom, Pn. Aziah tunggu kat kafe.
Lepas kitorang kuar, kitorang pun terus ke kafe. Nampak tak nampakla aku dengan Pn. Aziah tu sebab kerusi kafe pun tenggelam! (kerusi lembut) Nasib baik dia lambai tangan. Tempat kami tu dekat dengan swimming pool. Saat aku duduk... fuuuu... gile cool tempat ni. Agak jakun la aku sebenarnya. Tapi control2 je. Hehs.
Di meja empat segi kecil tu, Pn. Aziah di sebelah kiri aku, Siti kat sebelah kanan aku, En. Amzar depan aku. Posisi aku ngan En. Amzar pulak boleh tengok tv kat depan. Siti je yang membelakangi tv. Sebelah tempat kami ade meja lain pulak. Ade la dua orang kat situ. Aku tengok perempuan tu sedap je makan. Mesti makanan kat sini sedap-sedap!
"Orderlah. Nak roti ke, ape ke.." Pn. Aziah suruh kami order. Fuhh! Aku dengan Siti dah sama menjeling. Sengih.
"Kenyanglah puan..."
"Ohh kenyang? Pilih la dessert." Pulak. Aduh. Pn. Aziah beria tunjuk bahagian dessert di menu yang aku pegang. So aku amek la ice lemon tea (amboiiii nisss bukan main kau yeee!) Siti pulak amek aiskrim.
"Aikk.. aiskrim pun nak share??" tegur En. Amzar. Haha... kitorang gelak je.
"Bagi sudu dua ye, untuk aiskrim." Pn. Aziah pesan. Waa baik gile! Terima kasih puan!
Aku pun tengok2la tv tu. Pertandingan badminton. Masa aku tengok tv tergantung tu mamat kat depan aku toleh belakang. Maka aku tertengok muka dia. Emmm.. macam kenal la.
"Eh Lin.... makan tu je??" En. Amzar tegur mamat ngan perempuan tadi. Lin? Bila dia toleh lagi, laaaa... Adlin Aman Ramli!
"Puan.. tu Adlin Aman Ramli kan?"
"Haah.. dorang member jugaklah tu.." Dengan rileknye Pn. Aziah menjawab. Pehh... rilek je dorang ni. Ohhh lupa. Ni kan private club. Haruslah member!! Hailahh aku ni pun.....!
Dan rupanya di sebelahnya Emilia Rosnaida. Ohh sangat santai. Emilia toleh gak pastu senyum kat aku. Cantik! Aku senyum balik la. Nampak ramah. Mungkin sebab dorang memang kenal En. Amzar dan isteri.
"Bila dorang nak datang Lin? Kau contact budak2 ni.." Dari nada aku dengar En. Amzar cakap dengan Adlin tu memang macam ngam gile.
Bila makanan kitorang dah sampai, separuh makan dahpun, En. Amzar tegur dorang lagi. "Eh Lin.. kau order apa?"
"Nasi putih.."
"Baik ko tanye dorang. Entah-entah buat nasi goreng. Bukan betul tu."
Emilia cepat-cepat lambai. Waiter pun datang, barula nak amek order. Tapi aku tengok dorang dua pun tak marah.
"Lambatnya Lin. betul ke nasi putih?" En. Amzar tegur lagi.
"Beli beras kot?"
"Hahaha...." Dua-dua gelak. Hoho. Memang makanan Adlin sampai lambat la. Tapi dia cool je.
Habis makan je, Pn. Aziah mintak tolong Siti hantar balik. Alang-alang tuh Siti hantar terus ke rumah. Maka dapatla aku tengok rumah Pn. Aziah dan En. Amzar buat pertama kali. Besar gak. Kat area Taman Melawati, area umah pak jang aku.
Siti hantar aku dalam pukul 4.30 petang. Disebabkan kami sama-sama belum Zuhur, maka aku ajak dia singgah solat di rumah aku dulu.
Aku rindukan ArAH rupanya....
hello-hello ;D
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