kak aida sms me asking to go to studio early. lucky me coz i already completing the individual project proposal. need to submit it at 9 am today (thats y i sleep late) First day and beautiful monday. wish to wear baju kurung after it has been kept so long in my wardrobe. last i wear kurung... hmmm,, two or three weeks back. for assessment i think. @_*

somehow when we arrived at studio, i saw a box of limau on my table. this gonna be wei chin's treat. the fruit was so tasty and sweet. thanks pal!
as usual, Dr. Wan Zack meet us at 9 am sharp. this is a damn crucial time coz he take attendance and everyone need to be on time or marks will be deducted. no woes, i manage to make the first call today. there are only 1/3 of 88 of us. maybe some still not coming back from the cny holiday. after take attendance, Dr. Wan will see us at our own studio group in order to collect the proposals which had been assigned before the holiday. and me, go back to my place. there's nothing to do... so.. facebooking, ym checking email!
veelai see me in my cubicle. glad to see her after having her cny holiday in bangkok. so happy face, and got some kind of 'stress'. yea, its hard to hv a holiday when you have alot of work. i know it coz i had felt it once - in previous sem. for the expedition subject, we need to hv a trip to jogjakarta, indonesia for a week! it suppose to be a wonderful journey, yes, but cant help to worries on work.
guess what? veelai gave me a souvenir which i've ordered. fridge magnet! thanks dearie!

this one i dont order, just that veelai wants to give me for additional souvenirs! a bunch of thanks!

it has been my hobby whenever i go traveling, i'd love to buy fridge magnet. love to see the fridge was full with different colors and magnet designs from different country and place. oh ya, hv to make reminder as some of my friends will travel to cambodia this friday until 3 march. need to order cambodia's magnet. :D
hmmmm..... now, its time to work. focus.
i've crit my individual proposal with studio master - RJ. i've decided to do community college for Ringlet youngsters. i choose it because never design a college before. my proposal is totally different with my masterplan groupmates. from 7 of us : me with community college, mat with his info centre, while others choose to design market. got competition there. well eventhough its individual, still need to link with groupmates since we're design to make the masterplan work.
got some comments from RJ. i need to search more about the building function. even i can modify the programme to be more interesting and could attract the youngsters to study there. looks like a simple building. only got 5 weeks for individual project. hope i can make it.
hv submitted my proposal to Dr. Wan Zack and hv been approved.
now, its my time to focus back on masterplan.
submission this thursday.
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