do you know this place?
it is located at Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.
a former British Army Hospital back in 1970's. its now a SK Convent Tanah Rata.
a very much colonial british building and very much looks like a church.
guess what?
we'll stay here for 9 days during the town study.
actually this is our first plan and everyone had agreed.
but then when this pic being uploaded in fb, some of us commented that it looks scary. some said its ok, cheap because rm8 per night.
and it were further discussed during the meeting yesterday. most of the girls didnt want to take the risk staying here since it was ex-hospitals, its on the hill, the toilet is seramm bla bla bla.. mostly the -ve and ghost thingy.. huhu. mana tak takut.
we're about to doing some study. im hoping that there was no problem for the accommodation - just that the place was comfortable for everyone.
maybe the story were not true. but if got somewhere safe and nice, why dont we look for it, right?
so, maybe we'll stay at another place. still discussing about it.
im abit busy for the couple of days. need to rush to make letters - many kinds of letters - bus and programme application, exceptional class letters for our group, letter of getting information from the local authority of Cameron Highlands etc.
and all this thing need to be printed on the faculty letterhead. unfortunately, our faculty admins were so kedekut of giving us the letterhead. sometimes we did argue before we get it. JUST BECAUSE THE LETTERHEAD ISSUE. kelakar kan?
this time i ask some friends to help me getting the letterhead. its great to hv helpful groupmates. it has smoothen my duty. *thanks friends*
since my work is almost complete, i hv time for myself. the week is about to over. 2 days, what to do? my roommate were going back to her hometown. me alone in the room.
yes, its time for myself. i'll make use of it.
just thinking of... reading.
2 days, 2 books.
agak2 boleh x habiskan?
better read than never.
may Allah bless.
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