rushes to shop important things.
packing in a hurry.
tonight, will off to Ringlet at 11.00 pm.
pls pray for a safe journey.
some advice to me:
bear in mind, this is a serious business.
dont lost urself.
hv fun eventhough u're doing a study.
will be back on 2nd Jan.
hope everything goes well.
may Allah bless. :)
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do you know this place?
it is located at Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.
a former British Army Hospital back in 1970's. its now a SK Convent Tanah Rata.
a very much colonial british building and very much looks like a church.
guess what?
we'll stay here for 9 days during the town study.
actually this is our first plan and everyone had agreed.
but then when this pic being uploaded in fb, some of us commented that it looks scary. some said its ok, cheap because rm8 per night.
and it were further discussed during the meeting yesterday. most of the girls didnt want to take the risk staying here since it was ex-hospitals, its on the hill, the toilet is seramm bla bla bla.. mostly the -ve and ghost thingy.. huhu. mana tak takut.
we're about to doing some study. im hoping that there was no problem for the accommodation - just that the place was comfortable for everyone.
maybe the story were not true. but if got somewhere safe and nice, why dont we look for it, right?
so, maybe we'll stay at another place. still discussing about it.
im abit busy for the couple of days. need to rush to make letters - many kinds of letters - bus and programme application, exceptional class letters for our group, letter of getting information from the local authority of Cameron Highlands etc.
and all this thing need to be printed on the faculty letterhead. unfortunately, our faculty admins were so kedekut of giving us the letterhead. sometimes we did argue before we get it. JUST BECAUSE THE LETTERHEAD ISSUE. kelakar kan?
this time i ask some friends to help me getting the letterhead. its great to hv helpful groupmates. it has smoothen my duty. *thanks friends*
since my work is almost complete, i hv time for myself. the week is about to over. 2 days, what to do? my roommate were going back to her hometown. me alone in the room.
yes, its time for myself. i'll make use of it.
just thinking of... reading.
2 days, 2 books.
agak2 boleh x habiskan?
better read than never.
may Allah bless.
ikut? silakan ^^v
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009

do you know this place?
it is located at Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.
a former British Army Hospital back in 1970's. its now a SK Convent Tanah Rata.
a very much colonial british building and very much looks like a church.
guess what?
we'll stay here for 9 days during the town study.
actually this is our first plan and everyone had agreed.
but then when this pic being uploaded in fb, some of us commented that it looks scary. some said its ok, cheap because rm8 per night.
and it were further discussed during the meeting yesterday. most of the girls didnt want to take the risk staying here since it was ex-hospitals, its on the hill, the toilet is seramm bla bla bla.. mostly the -ve and ghost thingy.. huhu. mana tak takut.
we're about to doing some study. im hoping that there was no problem for the accommodation - just that the place was comfortable for everyone.
maybe the story were not true. but if got somewhere safe and nice, why dont we look for it, right?
so, maybe we'll stay at another place. still discussing about it.
im abit busy for the couple of days. need to rush to make letters - many kinds of letters - bus and programme application, exceptional class letters for our group, letter of getting information from the local authority of Cameron Highlands etc.
and all this thing need to be printed on the faculty letterhead. unfortunately, our faculty admins were so kedekut of giving us the letterhead. sometimes we did argue before we get it. JUST BECAUSE THE LETTERHEAD ISSUE. kelakar kan?
this time i ask some friends to help me getting the letterhead. its great to hv helpful groupmates. it has smoothen my duty. *thanks friends*
since my work is almost complete, i hv time for myself. the week is about to over. 2 days, what to do? my roommate were going back to her hometown. me alone in the room.
yes, its time for myself. i'll make use of it.
just thinking of... reading.
2 days, 2 books.
agak2 boleh x habiskan?
better read than never.
may Allah bless.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
theme of the 8th semester: timeline
i think its good to hv a theme. majority of the subjects were comprises of doing timeline - past and the future. in urban context, timeline is very important to define the history behind it - every 10 years or 100 years the difference will show what is actually happen in particular period. at the same time it will gv us some clues in predicting hows the evolution and development of its town planning.
the same concept goes to complex construction and introduction to urban design subject.
however, in topical study subject, the 'timeline' is changed to the phrase of 'work schedule', meaning which it relates more to the time management. this subject is a pre-thesis. we'll doing some research, collecting data and tackle the issues individually. at the end of the day, the product will be compiled in the form of book. this is a one semester work, therefore time management is very crucial so that we tend to finished it on time.
all stated above was my observation when attending those classes. 4 subjects per week with the total of 13 credit hours. seems few but all of it contains a 100% of work-forces.
live in busy-ness. no more playing. its time to work it out.

may Allah bless.
the same concept goes to complex construction and introduction to urban design subject.
however, in topical study subject, the 'timeline' is changed to the phrase of 'work schedule', meaning which it relates more to the time management. this subject is a pre-thesis. we'll doing some research, collecting data and tackle the issues individually. at the end of the day, the product will be compiled in the form of book. this is a one semester work, therefore time management is very crucial so that we tend to finished it on time.
all stated above was my observation when attending those classes. 4 subjects per week with the total of 13 credit hours. seems few but all of it contains a 100% of work-forces.
live in busy-ness. no more playing. its time to work it out.

my time schedule was also in the form of timeline. its easy to see and easy to measure the degree of my performance in every week. :)
may Allah bless.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
mentality vs possibility
Architecture today is moving towards into futuristic and modern design. creativity and innovative design always not to be forgotten, yet becomes the key factors in exploring technology to be applied in design. therefore, architecture and technology cannot be separated. as the time goes by, the technology also had been improved and as everyone hope, it will make things easier and possible.
i hope im not talking nonsense here. the story was guided btw. in line with it, i want to share some of the reality in building construction and architecture history.
one of the subject taken in this semester was complex construction. talks about complexity. what is it btw?
in simple words, complexity means difficulties.
taking example of some futuristic with impossible-shape building which you hv seen and if you think it was difficult to build, then it means it was a complex building. impossible and difficult to build. yes, i think the example is simple and easy to understand.
therefore, the subject outlines will enable us in thinking creatively and able to break the 'ordinary' in recent construction.
history is interesting. lets make it simple, so lets learn it in timeline.
before 1957 - back in the World War II, most of the building was concrete structure.
1981 - steel arose in building industry in Malaysia, and its called Perwaja.
2000 - CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) was organized. one of their intention is promoting IBS related to module. however, French module 600 had been introduced early in 1981 (20 years back) in oversea. the module is division of 600 or multiple 600 - meaning to say its size can fixed into any building and design. yes, ppl outsides Malaysia had been exposed with it before us.
2010 - it is time to introduced to Malaysia about parametric construction
i think we're not so yesterday. they outsiders hv set some kind of the country context complexity - meaning which they provides context to growth - at the same time injects their people's mentality towards complexity matters. compared to us, we need time to set some standards in our design in order to achieve Malaysian context complexity too.
yes, maybe we're abit late, but newborn takes time to grow. isnt it?
i personally think that this subject is a kickstart to make experiment on predicting whats the future will look alike. we, students, will be somebody one day. so we're trained here to keep experimenting and inventing innovative ideas. in future, hopefully it will helps Malaysia to be not-so-yesterday since they hv alot of innovative people in inventing new ideas.
yeah, i think so.
that is why design is interesting.
lecturers give us freedom to design anything - explore current technologies but make sure the building is practical and able to operates. architects was well known to design beautiful building for the sake of beauty, but not the practicality.
so, you choose.
be a good or bad designer.
oh yeah, i almost miss something.
"there're no such thing play safe or play dangerous in design. its about your foundation base of knowledge. if you sure about it, then you go for it."
just make difference between this two country; Dubai and Malaysia.
Dubai is a city of highrises.
Malaysia is a city of housing - terraces, housing estates, etc.
do u agree with this statement?
i hope im not talking nonsense here. the story was guided btw. in line with it, i want to share some of the reality in building construction and architecture history.
one of the subject taken in this semester was complex construction. talks about complexity. what is it btw?
in simple words, complexity means difficulties.
taking example of some futuristic with impossible-shape building which you hv seen and if you think it was difficult to build, then it means it was a complex building. impossible and difficult to build. yes, i think the example is simple and easy to understand.
therefore, the subject outlines will enable us in thinking creatively and able to break the 'ordinary' in recent construction.
history is interesting. lets make it simple, so lets learn it in timeline.
before 1957 - back in the World War II, most of the building was concrete structure.
1981 - steel arose in building industry in Malaysia, and its called Perwaja.
2000 - CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) was organized. one of their intention is promoting IBS related to module. however, French module 600 had been introduced early in 1981 (20 years back) in oversea. the module is division of 600 or multiple 600 - meaning to say its size can fixed into any building and design. yes, ppl outsides Malaysia had been exposed with it before us.
2010 - it is time to introduced to Malaysia about parametric construction
i think we're not so yesterday. they outsiders hv set some kind of the country context complexity - meaning which they provides context to growth - at the same time injects their people's mentality towards complexity matters. compared to us, we need time to set some standards in our design in order to achieve Malaysian context complexity too.
yes, maybe we're abit late, but newborn takes time to grow. isnt it?
i personally think that this subject is a kickstart to make experiment on predicting whats the future will look alike. we, students, will be somebody one day. so we're trained here to keep experimenting and inventing innovative ideas. in future, hopefully it will helps Malaysia to be not-so-yesterday since they hv alot of innovative people in inventing new ideas.
yeah, i think so.
that is why design is interesting.
lecturers give us freedom to design anything - explore current technologies but make sure the building is practical and able to operates. architects was well known to design beautiful building for the sake of beauty, but not the practicality.
so, you choose.
be a good or bad designer.
oh yeah, i almost miss something.
"there're no such thing play safe or play dangerous in design. its about your foundation base of knowledge. if you sure about it, then you go for it."
just make difference between this two country; Dubai and Malaysia.
Dubai is a city of highrises.
Malaysia is a city of housing - terraces, housing estates, etc.
do u agree with this statement?
Monday, December 14, 2009
semester 8.. begins!
the wishes goes around us - from the lecturers to the students.
i could see everyone was happy seeing each other again, and definitely, everyone comes with new hope. the journey in architecture practice need to be continued.. eventhough it seems hard. and it has to be finished on time.
for this semester, from first yr until fifth yr, there will be no selection for workbases. FAIR and SQUARE. *smiling* fifth yr is an exceptional case though, since they're doing thesis individually. so the idea falling into first yr until fourth yr. yeah no excuses. everyone now has been allocated into workbase by the lecturers. i wonder who will be my groupmates. *pray hard*
just go through the students performances in the previous semester. some batch had maintained their results, some dont. basically, the results were decreasing in upper yr. oh, a best friend of mine scored 4 flat in previous semester. congratulations!! really proud of her. we used to study together. and i know she deserves it. like i always said, its ppl fortune. you make good to ppl, then you will get something good in return. :) God knows.
i love to hear the KK's speeches. regarding the 'new system' (no selection for workbases) he said, "lecturer owe you learning process. we trained you to be designers in future. so, there're 2 way process; meaning which lecturers have excellent programme at the same time they accelerates learning process, while the students will do their best to perform." this is a very tolerate thingy. the decision made by lecturers was really good for us. yes, i found its good. eventhough the system is 'new', the programme is slightly the same. the numerous units such as environmental, vernac, architectonic etc; will be preserved. its just that lecturers will allocate the students themselves and runs the same programme for the whole batch.
guess what?
i've known the group im in.
my lecturers are Architect Ramli, Architect Normal and Architect Norul Azman; 1 full time lecturer and the other two were part-time lecturers.
there're 28 of us. balance and nice student equivalence.
our group had been given a site for urban study where will be at Ringlet, Pahang.
so, in less a week, we'll off to cameron highland. will stay there for 9 days starting on dec 24th.
from now on, we hv to organize ourselves - as well as the trip. getting the contact in Ringlet, find a place to stay, place to visit, transportation - everything. we must get ourselves ready.
this is not a holiday.
this is serious business of taking infos for our studio purposes.
need to cover up all the town - its evolution - industrial period - its people, urban places, activities, its ppl incomes, building facades - yeah so many to study about urban. even we hv to identify what is the town back in 1710's, 1810's until 2010's. not to mention predict it further in 2020's - 2050's.. what the town will be.
urban is interesting btw.
even there're a lot to do.
i'd love to tell u guys how interesting our course is.
but, for now, lets see if i manage to make it real.
may Allah bless.
the wishes goes around us - from the lecturers to the students.
i could see everyone was happy seeing each other again, and definitely, everyone comes with new hope. the journey in architecture practice need to be continued.. eventhough it seems hard. and it has to be finished on time.
for this semester, from first yr until fifth yr, there will be no selection for workbases. FAIR and SQUARE. *smiling* fifth yr is an exceptional case though, since they're doing thesis individually. so the idea falling into first yr until fourth yr. yeah no excuses. everyone now has been allocated into workbase by the lecturers. i wonder who will be my groupmates. *pray hard*
just go through the students performances in the previous semester. some batch had maintained their results, some dont. basically, the results were decreasing in upper yr. oh, a best friend of mine scored 4 flat in previous semester. congratulations!! really proud of her. we used to study together. and i know she deserves it. like i always said, its ppl fortune. you make good to ppl, then you will get something good in return. :) God knows.
i love to hear the KK's speeches. regarding the 'new system' (no selection for workbases) he said, "lecturer owe you learning process. we trained you to be designers in future. so, there're 2 way process; meaning which lecturers have excellent programme at the same time they accelerates learning process, while the students will do their best to perform." this is a very tolerate thingy. the decision made by lecturers was really good for us. yes, i found its good. eventhough the system is 'new', the programme is slightly the same. the numerous units such as environmental, vernac, architectonic etc; will be preserved. its just that lecturers will allocate the students themselves and runs the same programme for the whole batch.
guess what?
i've known the group im in.
my lecturers are Architect Ramli, Architect Normal and Architect Norul Azman; 1 full time lecturer and the other two were part-time lecturers.
there're 28 of us. balance and nice student equivalence.
our group had been given a site for urban study where will be at Ringlet, Pahang.
so, in less a week, we'll off to cameron highland. will stay there for 9 days starting on dec 24th.
from now on, we hv to organize ourselves - as well as the trip. getting the contact in Ringlet, find a place to stay, place to visit, transportation - everything. we must get ourselves ready.
this is not a holiday.
this is serious business of taking infos for our studio purposes.
need to cover up all the town - its evolution - industrial period - its people, urban places, activities, its ppl incomes, building facades - yeah so many to study about urban. even we hv to identify what is the town back in 1710's, 1810's until 2010's. not to mention predict it further in 2020's - 2050's.. what the town will be.
urban is interesting btw.
even there're a lot to do.
i'd love to tell u guys how interesting our course is.
but, for now, lets see if i manage to make it real.
may Allah bless.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
jb.... im back!
satu habit yg ideal dgn aku : careless. ppl need to remind me over and over again until i remember and finally im doing it. satu kejayaan klu aku lakukannya. dan macam biasa, mencari barang pada pagi pemergian aku adalah situasi yg biasa. kali ni, menjelang tahun keempat semester dua pengajian, aku tercari2 usb external h.disk. mane aku letak. rasa2nya da simpan dalam beg laptop. 'rasa2nya' ada terselit kat situ, kat sini, dan persoalan 'rasanya' itu berpanjangan sampailah abah duduk di sebelah dan mencari2nya juga.
alahai nis.. dah besar pun nyusahkan abah lg. untung kau dpt abah yg penyayang dan amik berat, cuba dpt kat org jenis x kisah, rasakan.. tanggung sendiri cari barang smpi jumpa! tu pun.. kalau jumpa. biasanya memang x pernah jumpa! hailah nis..
dan aku tinggalkn rumah dgn pesanan dari abah: "klu ade usb dlm beg kau, bagitau ek." sifat caring abah yg tidak pernah berkesudahan. patutnya aku yg sibuk berpesan, sekurang2nya ckp "xpelah.. xyah cari dah.." tapi abah pulak yg pesan camtu - ertinya dia sangat prihatin dengan kepentingan usb tu bagiku. memangpun! bila2 masa pun aku nk guna external.. klu dah xde usb, mane nk bukak??
padanlah muka sendiri. biasanya klu situasi ni terjadi dan aku gagal temui barang tu, aku akan selesaikan sendiri.
dalam bas, aku call muiz. teringat aritu muiz gtau dia nak g pcfair kat persada. moga2 nak la dia tolong aku..
berurusan dgn mamat ni jarang mengecewakan. pernah rapat sewaktu sama2 jd high committee batch strano mase 2nd yr dlu. memang dia seorg kawan yg baik.
dan yaa..... pujian aku tidak sia2 bila muiz call semula tanya: "nis, usb kau macam mana?" dan kemudian call lagi, "nis, 12 ringgit. ok?" "ok! thanks muiz!" sayang kau!
selesai masalah usb. dah lama x balik naik bas, lenguh pulak kaki aku wlupn duduk kat single seat. sedap layan tido wlupn jiran aku mamat 2 org. lantaklah. tido bukan pandang diorg pun. sehinggalah tiba di machap pada pukul 12.40 tghri. aku turun pun pegi toilet je.
bas gerak semula pukul 1 tghr. kali ni xboleh tido. fikiran asyik menerewang ke mane2 tah. satu yg pasti, aku rasa berdebar melangkah ke semester baru. semester yg klu dilihat pada batch senior yg lepas, agak tragedi dan disaster. aku sendiri dah lihat betapa disasternya semester highrise yg lepas, adakah kali ni begitu juga? urghh... terlalu fikir pun susah juga. lebih2 lagi klu xde penyelesaian. konklusinya? hadap sajalah! belum cuba belum tahu kan! yeahhh~ begitulah nis..
UTM!! aku kembali!
seperti biasa ke pejabat kolej ambil kunci bilik. kemudian berjalan perlahan2 menuju ke blok. pandang jugak kawasan sekeliling kolej - kafe sabina yg nmpknya baru mulakan perniagaan. eh, zaheila bistro?? nampak kelam - bankrap ke? pandang sikit laluan ke blok. penuh daun kering. nampak sgt xde orang bersihkan sewaktu cuti.
dan aku makin berdebar2 mendekati bilik.
aku pulas kunci dan biar pintu terbuka luas. mata meliar mencari bendasing. bau? xde bau. biasa je. tingkap tertutup, langsir pun. cahaya dari tingkap atas terbias malu2 menerangi bilik.
aku tekan dua suis di tepi kanan. lampu dan kipas serentak berfungsi.
lepas lelah sekejap dan memerhatikan lagi bilik. ada apa2 yg perlu kubersihkan? aku mendekati sangkar hamster. bau semakin kuat. hamster! aik? kenapa.. pintu sangkar terbukak? hamster aku hilang ke? aku mula jengketkan kaki. goncangkan sikit sangkar - barulah hamsterku yg seekor keluar dari rumahnya dan menuruni gelongsor.
TAPI! kenapa makin kecik??
bulunya luruh? dia macam tau2 tuannya balik, terus aktif dan minum air tanpa henti. hrmmm... air pun x luak. sebulan aku tinggalkan, kenapa x luak?
sah.. aku mesti bersihkannya. tentu dia x selesa dan takut kerana bersendirian selama sebulan. kesiannya....
bermula sesi kemas bilik. habuk2 berterbangan sana-sini, kotak bwh katil aku keluarkan dan sapu, dan ya! aku akhirnya menjumpai bangkai lipas - tapi di bawah pintu! aishh.. ni lah bendasing yg aku cari2 seawal tiba td. takut betul aku dgn benda tu. untung dah mati. ada lg ke dlm bilik ni?? alahai.. jgnlah.. jgnlah bertelur dan beranak dlm bilik ni!
sempat aku lap lantai dan sekalian perabot stadiku - rasa rimas dgn habuk kecil yg terlekat di tapak kaki. kemudian sesi membersihkan sangkar hamster - juga aku mandikannya kerana terlekat mcm2 bendasing di badannya. apalah yg dia buat agaknya masa ketiadaan aku. aku jarang belai dia, tapi aku tahu yg dia tahu bahawa dia bertuan dan dijaga. selesai mandikannya aku urut perlahan2, dia pun duduk diam menggigil2 kesejukan.. kesian.. tapi awak kotor tau. sbb tu saya mandikan awak. sorry buat awak sejuk. sorry saya tinggalkan awak sebulan..
aku letakkan makanannya, spray sangkarnya supaya bau segar. dan.. nah,, hiduplah kau macam biasa. aku dah ada ni. jangan takut2 lagi ok!
lepas makan ngan intan, aku kembali sambung urusanku - basuh telekung, cadar, dan baju. manual ok! malas nk pakai mesin. lagipun sikit je. sikit2 pun penuh 1 bilik ampai kot aku guna. halal ye kawan2 aras!
la ni.. baru dpt lepak. terasa ngantuk - tp xnk tido. sempat aku layan blogger boy kat td sambil main fb. elok2 internet laju jd lembab plak. haih.. sume org da blk ke jd lembab ni?? haishh...
xpela.. xdpt tenet pun xpela. siap2 utk esok. first day yg tentunya dh dpt projek. semoga aku hadapi hari esok dgn senyuman dan kejayaan.
bermula kehidupan yg jauh dari mak abah dan keluarga.
kehidupan yg 100% diurus sendiri.
jatuh, bangun, terhantuk, terngadah semuanya dihadapi sendiri.
belajar adalah lebih daripada itu.
dan masa, adalah saksi kejadian ke atas apa yg telah dilakukan.
aku ingin menjadi pemburu masa.
bukan lagi yg tertinggal dan terjatuh.
may Allah bless.
alahai nis.. dah besar pun nyusahkan abah lg. untung kau dpt abah yg penyayang dan amik berat, cuba dpt kat org jenis x kisah, rasakan.. tanggung sendiri cari barang smpi jumpa! tu pun.. kalau jumpa. biasanya memang x pernah jumpa! hailah nis..
dan aku tinggalkn rumah dgn pesanan dari abah: "klu ade usb dlm beg kau, bagitau ek." sifat caring abah yg tidak pernah berkesudahan. patutnya aku yg sibuk berpesan, sekurang2nya ckp "xpelah.. xyah cari dah.." tapi abah pulak yg pesan camtu - ertinya dia sangat prihatin dengan kepentingan usb tu bagiku. memangpun! bila2 masa pun aku nk guna external.. klu dah xde usb, mane nk bukak??
padanlah muka sendiri. biasanya klu situasi ni terjadi dan aku gagal temui barang tu, aku akan selesaikan sendiri.
dalam bas, aku call muiz. teringat aritu muiz gtau dia nak g pcfair kat persada. moga2 nak la dia tolong aku..
berurusan dgn mamat ni jarang mengecewakan. pernah rapat sewaktu sama2 jd high committee batch strano mase 2nd yr dlu. memang dia seorg kawan yg baik.
dan yaa..... pujian aku tidak sia2 bila muiz call semula tanya: "nis, usb kau macam mana?" dan kemudian call lagi, "nis, 12 ringgit. ok?" "ok! thanks muiz!" sayang kau!
selesai masalah usb. dah lama x balik naik bas, lenguh pulak kaki aku wlupn duduk kat single seat. sedap layan tido wlupn jiran aku mamat 2 org. lantaklah. tido bukan pandang diorg pun. sehinggalah tiba di machap pada pukul 12.40 tghri. aku turun pun pegi toilet je.
bas gerak semula pukul 1 tghr. kali ni xboleh tido. fikiran asyik menerewang ke mane2 tah. satu yg pasti, aku rasa berdebar melangkah ke semester baru. semester yg klu dilihat pada batch senior yg lepas, agak tragedi dan disaster. aku sendiri dah lihat betapa disasternya semester highrise yg lepas, adakah kali ni begitu juga? urghh... terlalu fikir pun susah juga. lebih2 lagi klu xde penyelesaian. konklusinya? hadap sajalah! belum cuba belum tahu kan! yeahhh~ begitulah nis..
UTM!! aku kembali!
seperti biasa ke pejabat kolej ambil kunci bilik. kemudian berjalan perlahan2 menuju ke blok. pandang jugak kawasan sekeliling kolej - kafe sabina yg nmpknya baru mulakan perniagaan. eh, zaheila bistro?? nampak kelam - bankrap ke? pandang sikit laluan ke blok. penuh daun kering. nampak sgt xde orang bersihkan sewaktu cuti.
dan aku makin berdebar2 mendekati bilik.
aku pulas kunci dan biar pintu terbuka luas. mata meliar mencari bendasing. bau? xde bau. biasa je. tingkap tertutup, langsir pun. cahaya dari tingkap atas terbias malu2 menerangi bilik.
aku tekan dua suis di tepi kanan. lampu dan kipas serentak berfungsi.
lepas lelah sekejap dan memerhatikan lagi bilik. ada apa2 yg perlu kubersihkan? aku mendekati sangkar hamster. bau semakin kuat. hamster! aik? kenapa.. pintu sangkar terbukak? hamster aku hilang ke? aku mula jengketkan kaki. goncangkan sikit sangkar - barulah hamsterku yg seekor keluar dari rumahnya dan menuruni gelongsor.
TAPI! kenapa makin kecik??
bulunya luruh? dia macam tau2 tuannya balik, terus aktif dan minum air tanpa henti. hrmmm... air pun x luak. sebulan aku tinggalkan, kenapa x luak?
sah.. aku mesti bersihkannya. tentu dia x selesa dan takut kerana bersendirian selama sebulan. kesiannya....
bermula sesi kemas bilik. habuk2 berterbangan sana-sini, kotak bwh katil aku keluarkan dan sapu, dan ya! aku akhirnya menjumpai bangkai lipas - tapi di bawah pintu! aishh.. ni lah bendasing yg aku cari2 seawal tiba td. takut betul aku dgn benda tu. untung dah mati. ada lg ke dlm bilik ni?? alahai.. jgnlah.. jgnlah bertelur dan beranak dlm bilik ni!
sempat aku lap lantai dan sekalian perabot stadiku - rasa rimas dgn habuk kecil yg terlekat di tapak kaki. kemudian sesi membersihkan sangkar hamster - juga aku mandikannya kerana terlekat mcm2 bendasing di badannya. apalah yg dia buat agaknya masa ketiadaan aku. aku jarang belai dia, tapi aku tahu yg dia tahu bahawa dia bertuan dan dijaga. selesai mandikannya aku urut perlahan2, dia pun duduk diam menggigil2 kesejukan.. kesian.. tapi awak kotor tau. sbb tu saya mandikan awak. sorry buat awak sejuk. sorry saya tinggalkan awak sebulan..
aku letakkan makanannya, spray sangkarnya supaya bau segar. dan.. nah,, hiduplah kau macam biasa. aku dah ada ni. jangan takut2 lagi ok!
lepas makan ngan intan, aku kembali sambung urusanku - basuh telekung, cadar, dan baju. manual ok! malas nk pakai mesin. lagipun sikit je. sikit2 pun penuh 1 bilik ampai kot aku guna. halal ye kawan2 aras!
la ni.. baru dpt lepak. terasa ngantuk - tp xnk tido. sempat aku layan blogger boy kat td sambil main fb. elok2 internet laju jd lembab plak. haih.. sume org da blk ke jd lembab ni?? haishh...
xpela.. xdpt tenet pun xpela. siap2 utk esok. first day yg tentunya dh dpt projek. semoga aku hadapi hari esok dgn senyuman dan kejayaan.
bermula kehidupan yg jauh dari mak abah dan keluarga.
kehidupan yg 100% diurus sendiri.
jatuh, bangun, terhantuk, terngadah semuanya dihadapi sendiri.
belajar adalah lebih daripada itu.
dan masa, adalah saksi kejadian ke atas apa yg telah dilakukan.
aku ingin menjadi pemburu masa.
bukan lagi yg tertinggal dan terjatuh.
may Allah bless.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
archi's life
4 years being an architecture-based student, i found that the course is very subjective which the results is totally depends on the lecturers. any mistakes, u'll get the penalty. if the lecturer likes u, u'll hv the advantage to get a better grade. and if u hv shown and had set yourself as TOP STUDENT, u'll hv more and more benefits because they lecturers will addressed u and make sure u always be the best along the way of study. easier said, the course is actually going on in the way of humane consideration: lecturers-student's working relationship.
im not desperate for good results. im a moderate student. i know im not the best but i know i could produce the best work.
mind you, this is nothing to do with anyone who i dont like, or i hate most. its about an archi student life.
every semester i saw different new things. fails and success come and go. i think with the total of 8 semesters now, everybody had their own special experiences that taught us that archi is not a play-play course.
a new issue arise recently where my batch which total up to 100+ students does complicate the management system. in semester 7 namely in highrise unit, there are 12 lecturers who leads 12 workbases. the 12 lectures consists of 6 practice architects and the remaining was the full time lecturers. the ratio of lecturer-student is rather 1:8 (for practice architect) and 1:12-1:15 for full time lecturers.
for your info, UTM architectural study system was like this: workbase (or class) is preserved whereby the students got their rights to choose which workbase they want to enter. meaning which, they can choose their favourite lecturers and team-mates.
however for the semester 8 namely urban unit, the lecturers decided to determine and allocate the students into workbase which i totally disagree since im afraid of the risk of having problematic team-mates. urban unit is really tough, there alot of field work and of course, its in groupwork.
recently too i've been tagged into a discussion of LIST OF URBAN LECTURERS in facebook. we notice that there are only 5 lecturers who will runs the urban programme at the amount of 100+ students!!! do they able to???
my friends did commented about it. some of them like it, some dont. some had commented cynically.. and some give advices. until i read miss ku yee kee's comments that totally changed my mind.
she gv some ideas to write officially to jabatan states that we're not agree with the department's decision. she did mentioned about our batch which not so strong in unity compared to other good schools. students oversea runs the programme and they gv full commitment. us? not at all.
yes, uni students should be independent. no more spoon-feeding. but when in comes to talk about the programme, the department itself needs to synchronize the school system so that the rules and students rights is well known by the students. here, lecturers still need to guide the students and let them know what they should know. i know it's not called spoon-feeding but sometimes people hv misunderstood the concept.
i've browse through the discussion regarding UTM assessment guidelines and student rights in i could see whats the tutor's point of view. what they were thinking about us. about deciding something which can actually form us to be good and excellent when we've graduated soon.
what can i say..
our situation - is very critical. the tutors spending most of the time discussing about us and the future of department to produce quality graduates. do we able to be a quality student? a quality future architect who serves professional skill to the public?
i keep thinking about this.
this is a damn serious matter. when the department talks about us, there're something wrong with us. when they keep testing what and what to do to us, they're actually finding a way to overcome our problems. but we dont hv to be quiet all the time. responds are highly recommended because they're open to any comments and will take into considerations. thats good about architecture department. to improve, there always two ways communication : lecturers and students.
and i cant keep talking about this. the issue was endless.
about the option of choosing the favourite lecturers and workbase, i find that its good if the department allocate us because its time to learn and accept others. in the reality, there will be so many problematic people to handle - and of course - its better to start learning now.
what i worry most, its myself. i dont look for others. i just look at myself. student life is nearly come to the end. i'll graduate soon. i'll perform and serves my professional skills. but the thing is, am i well prepared to face the reality outside?
for the time being, the answer is no. there're so many things to learn here before i grad. i hv to grab any opportunity - building networks - anything!
because the best guidelines is experience.
may Allah bless.
im not desperate for good results. im a moderate student. i know im not the best but i know i could produce the best work.
mind you, this is nothing to do with anyone who i dont like, or i hate most. its about an archi student life.
every semester i saw different new things. fails and success come and go. i think with the total of 8 semesters now, everybody had their own special experiences that taught us that archi is not a play-play course.
a new issue arise recently where my batch which total up to 100+ students does complicate the management system. in semester 7 namely in highrise unit, there are 12 lecturers who leads 12 workbases. the 12 lectures consists of 6 practice architects and the remaining was the full time lecturers. the ratio of lecturer-student is rather 1:8 (for practice architect) and 1:12-1:15 for full time lecturers.
for your info, UTM architectural study system was like this: workbase (or class) is preserved whereby the students got their rights to choose which workbase they want to enter. meaning which, they can choose their favourite lecturers and team-mates.
however for the semester 8 namely urban unit, the lecturers decided to determine and allocate the students into workbase which i totally disagree since im afraid of the risk of having problematic team-mates. urban unit is really tough, there alot of field work and of course, its in groupwork.
recently too i've been tagged into a discussion of LIST OF URBAN LECTURERS in facebook. we notice that there are only 5 lecturers who will runs the urban programme at the amount of 100+ students!!! do they able to???
my friends did commented about it. some of them like it, some dont. some had commented cynically.. and some give advices. until i read miss ku yee kee's comments that totally changed my mind.
she gv some ideas to write officially to jabatan states that we're not agree with the department's decision. she did mentioned about our batch which not so strong in unity compared to other good schools. students oversea runs the programme and they gv full commitment. us? not at all.
yes, uni students should be independent. no more spoon-feeding. but when in comes to talk about the programme, the department itself needs to synchronize the school system so that the rules and students rights is well known by the students. here, lecturers still need to guide the students and let them know what they should know. i know it's not called spoon-feeding but sometimes people hv misunderstood the concept.
i've browse through the discussion regarding UTM assessment guidelines and student rights in i could see whats the tutor's point of view. what they were thinking about us. about deciding something which can actually form us to be good and excellent when we've graduated soon.
what can i say..
our situation - is very critical. the tutors spending most of the time discussing about us and the future of department to produce quality graduates. do we able to be a quality student? a quality future architect who serves professional skill to the public?
i keep thinking about this.
this is a damn serious matter. when the department talks about us, there're something wrong with us. when they keep testing what and what to do to us, they're actually finding a way to overcome our problems. but we dont hv to be quiet all the time. responds are highly recommended because they're open to any comments and will take into considerations. thats good about architecture department. to improve, there always two ways communication : lecturers and students.
and i cant keep talking about this. the issue was endless.
about the option of choosing the favourite lecturers and workbase, i find that its good if the department allocate us because its time to learn and accept others. in the reality, there will be so many problematic people to handle - and of course - its better to start learning now.
what i worry most, its myself. i dont look for others. i just look at myself. student life is nearly come to the end. i'll graduate soon. i'll perform and serves my professional skills. but the thing is, am i well prepared to face the reality outside?
for the time being, the answer is no. there're so many things to learn here before i grad. i hv to grab any opportunity - building networks - anything!
because the best guidelines is experience.
may Allah bless.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
selamat hari raya haji!
a day before raya.
arini off jaga kids. aliah n amni ikut abg mir blk kuantan. dorg beraya kat sana. well before i forgot, best wishes to my dear bro amir : *happy birthday! may God bless u.*
mak dan abah awal2 lg dah pegi umah andah kat wangsa maju. bergotong royong msk lemang, rendang dan wajik durian sempena raya besok. dgn menu2 tuh ade la rasa mood raya. but raya haji is for those who had done their hajj, and fortunately mak dan abah dah pegi, so the raya is actually for them. alhamdulillah. insyaAllah klu diizinkan bila dh mampu nnt nak pegi wat haji. but hopefully going with my future hubby.
so arini x bleh tdo lambat. esk pagi nk g solat sunat raya kat surau dgn mak abah. before that, i got some pictures to share with.
*dah lama x mkn pizza. tetibe kaknim ajak.*
arini off jaga kids. aliah n amni ikut abg mir blk kuantan. dorg beraya kat sana. well before i forgot, best wishes to my dear bro amir : *happy birthday! may God bless u.*
mak dan abah awal2 lg dah pegi umah andah kat wangsa maju. bergotong royong msk lemang, rendang dan wajik durian sempena raya besok. dgn menu2 tuh ade la rasa mood raya. but raya haji is for those who had done their hajj, and fortunately mak dan abah dah pegi, so the raya is actually for them. alhamdulillah. insyaAllah klu diizinkan bila dh mampu nnt nak pegi wat haji. but hopefully going with my future hubby.
so arini x bleh tdo lambat. esk pagi nk g solat sunat raya kat surau dgn mak abah. before that, i got some pictures to share with.
*dah lama x mkn pizza. tetibe kaknim ajak.*
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
takde yg paling seronok selain berjaya backtrack kawan2 sekolah. satu gambar je boleh satukan kami semua balik. dulu friendster aku pernah wat camni. skrg aku apply kat facebook dan yg bestnye, bole tag sorang2 dak kelas. bile dah kene tag, apelagi, mula la comment mcm2. agaknya kat situ jela boleh contact n chit chat di samping update cite masing2 memandangkn online adalah cara paling cepat untuk berhubung.
ni antara gambar yg aku upload kat facebook dan aku tagged dorg smlm.

kelas 6 amanah, sekolah kebangsaan jalan air panas (skjap). tahun 1999.
1st comment yg aku dapat utk gambar ni adalah drp arshana: "adoi berapa lama sudah...." "10 tahun babe!!" "aah.. dulu 12 yrs now dah 22.. adoi da tua rasa...."
betapa lamenye 10 tahun tu, sedangkan rasa macam sekejap je aku belajar dalam satu kelas dengan dorang sume.
arshana: "u know what i miss most? playing in our school band."
me: "ah ah.. i miss it too! i play the melodion-"
macam mana nak dilupakan, itula first and last aku pegang alat muzik melodion, berupa mini keyboard yang mempunyai tiub. untuk bermain, kene tiup dulu sambil memainkan kod dan ia akan berbunyi mengikut rentak yg diingini. sungguhla zaman itu merupakan zaman yg paling nostalgic. aku dengan riang rianya bermain, join school band, buat persembahan di merata tmpt, join group boria.. nasyid.. itu la ini la.. sehinggalah aku tersentak apabila keputusan upsr keluar. tapi tu cerita lain la.
amirul: "ape niiiii.. aku x kenal diri aku laaa"
haha. berubah dah masing2. yg dulunya pendek, skrg dah tinggi x agak2. yg dulunya kecik lawa, skrg da chubby dan makin lawa. 10 tahun. dari usia 12 hingga menginjak 22 tahun kini. betapa perubahan itu datang bersama masa. perbezaan 10 tahun yang telah menunjukkan pencapaian dalam hidup masing2. sikit masa lg. akan berkahwin dan mempunyai keluarga sendiri.
*semoga kawan2ku berjaya dalam hidup*

macam yg tertulis: PKA tu jurusan pengajian kejuruteraan awam yg aku pelajari ketika berada di sekolah menengah teknik setapak selama 2 tahun terakhir di alam persekolahan.
ni kawan2 yg sungguh happening. the most happening class i should said. setelah aku tagged dorg kat facebook, masing2 comment x ingat. hehe. gambar ni aku edit lepas spm, ketika aku sunyi xtau watpe. langsung bukak friendster dan curi gambar sorg2 lalu edit dan akhirnya jadilah gambar seperti di atas. sedar x sedar, gambar ni sendiri dah berusia 5 tahun. hehe.
oopss,, ade jugak yang tertinggal sebenarnye. yg xde dlm gambar: masanne, ija, adila, najmi, hannan, hashimi hadi, shikin dan toto.
sambil2 comment kat facebook tuh ade jugak yg bunyi suh wat gath. dlm mase terdekat ni toto akan berkahwin (bln 12) diikuti dgn lan yg dah bertunang yg tarikh perkahwinannya akan diberitahu kemudian.
hope i wont miss anything about them.
ni antara gambar yg aku upload kat facebook dan aku tagged dorg smlm.

kelas 6 amanah, sekolah kebangsaan jalan air panas (skjap). tahun 1999.
1st comment yg aku dapat utk gambar ni adalah drp arshana: "adoi berapa lama sudah...." "10 tahun babe!!" "aah.. dulu 12 yrs now dah 22.. adoi da tua rasa...."
betapa lamenye 10 tahun tu, sedangkan rasa macam sekejap je aku belajar dalam satu kelas dengan dorang sume.
arshana: "u know what i miss most? playing in our school band."
me: "ah ah.. i miss it too! i play the melodion-"
macam mana nak dilupakan, itula first and last aku pegang alat muzik melodion, berupa mini keyboard yang mempunyai tiub. untuk bermain, kene tiup dulu sambil memainkan kod dan ia akan berbunyi mengikut rentak yg diingini. sungguhla zaman itu merupakan zaman yg paling nostalgic. aku dengan riang rianya bermain, join school band, buat persembahan di merata tmpt, join group boria.. nasyid.. itu la ini la.. sehinggalah aku tersentak apabila keputusan upsr keluar. tapi tu cerita lain la.
amirul: "ape niiiii.. aku x kenal diri aku laaa"
haha. berubah dah masing2. yg dulunya pendek, skrg dah tinggi x agak2. yg dulunya kecik lawa, skrg da chubby dan makin lawa. 10 tahun. dari usia 12 hingga menginjak 22 tahun kini. betapa perubahan itu datang bersama masa. perbezaan 10 tahun yang telah menunjukkan pencapaian dalam hidup masing2. sikit masa lg. akan berkahwin dan mempunyai keluarga sendiri.
*semoga kawan2ku berjaya dalam hidup*

macam yg tertulis: PKA tu jurusan pengajian kejuruteraan awam yg aku pelajari ketika berada di sekolah menengah teknik setapak selama 2 tahun terakhir di alam persekolahan.
ni kawan2 yg sungguh happening. the most happening class i should said. setelah aku tagged dorg kat facebook, masing2 comment x ingat. hehe. gambar ni aku edit lepas spm, ketika aku sunyi xtau watpe. langsung bukak friendster dan curi gambar sorg2 lalu edit dan akhirnya jadilah gambar seperti di atas. sedar x sedar, gambar ni sendiri dah berusia 5 tahun. hehe.
oopss,, ade jugak yang tertinggal sebenarnye. yg xde dlm gambar: masanne, ija, adila, najmi, hannan, hashimi hadi, shikin dan toto.
sambil2 comment kat facebook tuh ade jugak yg bunyi suh wat gath. dlm mase terdekat ni toto akan berkahwin (bln 12) diikuti dgn lan yg dah bertunang yg tarikh perkahwinannya akan diberitahu kemudian.
hope i wont miss anything about them.
Monday, November 23, 2009
2 minggu dah kat umah. mcm bese, jd part time babysitter. xde sape mintak. aku je sukarela jaga dorg atas dasar tanggungjwb. kalau tu yg dpt ringankan beban mak abah. x byk, sikit pn jadila. bukannye selalu cuti. dan, bukannye g mane pun mase cuti ni.
lamenye aku pk.
tp bile nk start ek topikal tu.
arini.... aku bersin non stop. ade 2 kmgkinan;
1) tdo lmbt
2) jangkit. aku mmg cpt jangkit kat org. hmmm...
klu ditakdirkan aku sakit, biarlah sakit ms cuti. abes terus kat situ. mcm2 aku nk wat sem dpn. jiwa kene gagah. kesihatan biar baik.
sebut psl sem dpn. result pn da dpt.
alhamdulillah. aku mmg dah tawakal lg redha.
sem ni susah.
x dpt dekan pn, biar maintain je.
dan syukur Dia Maha Mendengar.
mmg xde apepun yg penting entri kali ni.
agak bosan dan tiada yg menarik.
lamenye aku pk.
tp bile nk start ek topikal tu.
arini.... aku bersin non stop. ade 2 kmgkinan;
1) tdo lmbt
2) jangkit. aku mmg cpt jangkit kat org. hmmm...
klu ditakdirkan aku sakit, biarlah sakit ms cuti. abes terus kat situ. mcm2 aku nk wat sem dpn. jiwa kene gagah. kesihatan biar baik.
sebut psl sem dpn. result pn da dpt.
alhamdulillah. aku mmg dah tawakal lg redha.
sem ni susah.
x dpt dekan pn, biar maintain je.
dan syukur Dia Maha Mendengar.
mmg xde apepun yg penting entri kali ni.
agak bosan dan tiada yg menarik.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
duduk rumah ni, bila xde ape yg dibuat, mula la fikiran merewang entah kemana. silap haribulan dituduh termenung. sy bukan termenung. sy hanya berfikir. berfikir apa? macam2. contohnya? diri saya. apa yg x kena diri awk? sy sedang muhasabah diri sy. sy sedang berbual dgn diri sy. atau dalam bahasa sasteranya; monolog. ya! sy sedang bermonolog. apa pentingnya berbual dgn diri sendiri? supaya sy sentiasa sedar diri kenapa sy berada di sini. awk persoalkan takdir? tidak. sy mengajar diri sy supaya menerima kenapa ia berlaku.
Monday, November 16, 2009
my 1st thriller novel
currently, i was reading dame zoete sarah written by khairyn othman, a new author in jemari seni publishing. my sister anim told me the novel is boring and adventurous - kind of thriller and actions which she doesnt like much. before this i usually buy a love story novel that full with lessons and sort of knowledgeable which we found it interesting. yeah, for me a novel is really bored without love injections. its like a must and if not, the story will never be interesting. plus, the word LOVE itself consists of many things. not only to humans. the most important love towards God : Allah The Almighty.
i know there must be a reason why i choose to buy this book. there're something in it. something precious and different from others. the character of sarah adam and salim. a reporter and a police. yes, i never liked to read thriller novel, but i know, this is a start for me to like it. and yes, khairyn othman had made me interested and could finish up the reading in only few days.
if she really new in the writing industry, i might say she had done a very good job. writing is a combination of study of human behaviour, their lifestyle and the writer's creativity. i know its very hard to write a story about drugs and criminals thingy. its really need a deep understanding - from its origin, its background, etc. and how to relates back to the character and the story that has created.
i love the part where sarah started to hide herself from the police and the criminals group. how she deal with indonesian community and getting help from them.
salim who apparently become the hero to save sarah at Netherlands.
and coincidently, they likes each other.
khairyn othman ended her story well.
happy ending. and im gonna miss the stubborn of sarah and the arrogant of salim. two different characters which has unite at the end.
and i've proved to my sis that the novel wasnt bad.
for info, the dame zoete sarah means si manis sarah in malay. the zoete pronouns as 'zutter'. these dame zoete were from the Dutch language.
i know there must be a reason why i choose to buy this book. there're something in it. something precious and different from others. the character of sarah adam and salim. a reporter and a police. yes, i never liked to read thriller novel, but i know, this is a start for me to like it. and yes, khairyn othman had made me interested and could finish up the reading in only few days.
if she really new in the writing industry, i might say she had done a very good job. writing is a combination of study of human behaviour, their lifestyle and the writer's creativity. i know its very hard to write a story about drugs and criminals thingy. its really need a deep understanding - from its origin, its background, etc. and how to relates back to the character and the story that has created.
i love the part where sarah started to hide herself from the police and the criminals group. how she deal with indonesian community and getting help from them.
salim who apparently become the hero to save sarah at Netherlands.
and coincidently, they likes each other.
khairyn othman ended her story well.
happy ending. and im gonna miss the stubborn of sarah and the arrogant of salim. two different characters which has unite at the end.
and i've proved to my sis that the novel wasnt bad.
for info, the dame zoete sarah means si manis sarah in malay. the zoete pronouns as 'zutter'. these dame zoete were from the Dutch language.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
u can count on me.. anytime will do...
"tolong mak masak. mak sakit gak." kaknim said. yeh? i looked at mum and she nodded her head.
"mak x larat la." mak rarely complaining n rarely asked me to help her cooking. my pleasure dear mum.... anything for u...
today, mia, mak, kaknim, abg g, were suffered cirit birit, some of them got fever, and muntah2. we dont really know whats the reason behind it. spm is just around the corner and mia got health problem. thats one thing for sure that make all of us worry. i might say thank God its sunday, they hv time to rest. hope they get well soon.
its hard when some of ur family members were suffering. feeling pity.
i just hope it wont be long.
may Allah bless.
"mak x larat la." mak rarely complaining n rarely asked me to help her cooking. my pleasure dear mum.... anything for u...
today, mia, mak, kaknim, abg g, were suffered cirit birit, some of them got fever, and muntah2. we dont really know whats the reason behind it. spm is just around the corner and mia got health problem. thats one thing for sure that make all of us worry. i might say thank God its sunday, they hv time to rest. hope they get well soon.
its hard when some of ur family members were suffering. feeling pity.
i just hope it wont be long.
may Allah bless.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
it will be so bored if tomorrow will be going the same as today
i tried to make difference but its nothing much
i love the kids, love helping my parents.. but i cant see what else i can do here at home?
better to make a move..
or else i'll quickly be so bored staying at home.
try to make it interesting, then.
may Allah bless.
it will be so bored if tomorrow will be going the same as today
i tried to make difference but its nothing much
i love the kids, love helping my parents.. but i cant see what else i can do here at home?
better to make a move..
or else i'll quickly be so bored staying at home.
try to make it interesting, then.
may Allah bless.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
going home!!
i wake up at 8.40 am and rush to toilet for bath. there are many things to settle before i leave this room; such as:
1) i MUST clean hamster's cage!
2) change the bag - i almost forgot kaknim asked me to bring her Deuter's bag
3) print out the flight ticket - weyy,, penting gila lah! nk balik camne klu xde??
huwaaa.... very hush and rush. i've target that everything's must settled before 10 am. on my way to the taxi stand, i need to go to the studio and taking the stuffs which i've forgotten to bring back yesterday. hmmphh.. i really out of oxygen!! do lots of work without breakfast!
when im in the taxi.... i just.. can.. cool down....
its just few minutes in the taxi, and few minutes walking to the Senai airport - check in and get boarding pass. im now in the waiting room. the flight will be in 40 minutes time.
pheww.... very exhausted. once i sat, i never get up until the calling time. i need not to queue since i got the hotseat. its an advantage to be the first going up in the flight and taking seats.
its actually second time taking flight and first time going home from JB with flight.
-mesti org ingat ngada2 kan.
i sleep and didnt get enough sleep - until i realize the flight is about to landed. 45 minutes seems to be short for me. arghh!! nk tdo lagi!
i check out, the FA says goodbye, and we dismissed at the gate. now i'm in LCCT. i saw a man holding a paper written a name. me?? nobody wants to fetch me??
-jangan ngada2lah. ko tu kat mane. bukannye kat oversea. *sigh*
i just follow the signboard. im new here. in the crowds, i manage to walk and finally found the shutter bus going to KL Sentral. an indian man was waiting outside the bus, and check the flight ticket first before allow me to go up.
phewww..... thank God. there's nothing to pay. everything's included in the flight payment.
i choose to sit beside a chinese lady. eventhough i feel tired, i need to make sure that im safe. im in a public bus. i dont know them. and i hv to make sure that my laptops safe. my money is safe. everything.
the bus moved and it takes an hour to reach KL Sentral. its time for me to.. sleep again.. :)
its saturday. lots of people. i get my confidence when i reached KL Sentral. buying the train tickets at Rm2.20, the journey will takes about 20 minutes. i look at my watch. its 2.00 pm. leave my room at 10 am, taking flight at 12.30pm. and its now 2.00 pm. almost 4 hours to reach home. no different if im taking a bus JB-KL. the time almost the same.
the KL Sentral putra train stops. i manage to go inside eventhough there're lots of people. as the train stops at certain station, the crowds become less. nobody accompany me. cant believe i could travel myself alone for a long journey at the first time. only in wangsa maju abah fetch me and now i am totally reached home.
"Seronok naik flight?" they asked.
"okla. penat." - naik bas lagi best kot. boleh tido lama2 tanpa dikacau.
well thank to my sister for giving me chance to have the experience - and compare which one is better. without the free ticket, i wont have the chance. oklah tu kan. sampai rumah jugak.
1) i MUST clean hamster's cage!
2) change the bag - i almost forgot kaknim asked me to bring her Deuter's bag
3) print out the flight ticket - weyy,, penting gila lah! nk balik camne klu xde??
huwaaa.... very hush and rush. i've target that everything's must settled before 10 am. on my way to the taxi stand, i need to go to the studio and taking the stuffs which i've forgotten to bring back yesterday. hmmphh.. i really out of oxygen!! do lots of work without breakfast!
when im in the taxi.... i just.. can.. cool down....
its just few minutes in the taxi, and few minutes walking to the Senai airport - check in and get boarding pass. im now in the waiting room. the flight will be in 40 minutes time.
pheww.... very exhausted. once i sat, i never get up until the calling time. i need not to queue since i got the hotseat. its an advantage to be the first going up in the flight and taking seats.
its actually second time taking flight and first time going home from JB with flight.
-mesti org ingat ngada2 kan.
i sleep and didnt get enough sleep - until i realize the flight is about to landed. 45 minutes seems to be short for me. arghh!! nk tdo lagi!
i check out, the FA says goodbye, and we dismissed at the gate. now i'm in LCCT. i saw a man holding a paper written a name. me?? nobody wants to fetch me??
-jangan ngada2lah. ko tu kat mane. bukannye kat oversea. *sigh*
i just follow the signboard. im new here. in the crowds, i manage to walk and finally found the shutter bus going to KL Sentral. an indian man was waiting outside the bus, and check the flight ticket first before allow me to go up.
phewww..... thank God. there's nothing to pay. everything's included in the flight payment.
i choose to sit beside a chinese lady. eventhough i feel tired, i need to make sure that im safe. im in a public bus. i dont know them. and i hv to make sure that my laptops safe. my money is safe. everything.
the bus moved and it takes an hour to reach KL Sentral. its time for me to.. sleep again.. :)
its saturday. lots of people. i get my confidence when i reached KL Sentral. buying the train tickets at Rm2.20, the journey will takes about 20 minutes. i look at my watch. its 2.00 pm. leave my room at 10 am, taking flight at 12.30pm. and its now 2.00 pm. almost 4 hours to reach home. no different if im taking a bus JB-KL. the time almost the same.
the KL Sentral putra train stops. i manage to go inside eventhough there're lots of people. as the train stops at certain station, the crowds become less. nobody accompany me. cant believe i could travel myself alone for a long journey at the first time. only in wangsa maju abah fetch me and now i am totally reached home.
"Seronok naik flight?" they asked.
"okla. penat." - naik bas lagi best kot. boleh tido lama2 tanpa dikacau.
well thank to my sister for giving me chance to have the experience - and compare which one is better. without the free ticket, i wont have the chance. oklah tu kan. sampai rumah jugak.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
hello-hello ;D
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