Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan.
Today I have the very last breakfast, lunch and dinner before Ramadhan comes in hours time. Let us collect as many rewards as we can in this precious month.
Insya-ALLAH. =)
May ALLAH bless.
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My first step in architecture was when I've been called for an interview five years ago. It took place in UTM KL City Campus. While everybody brought their A1 drawings and various painting, I just brought a few piece of paper (which is rough sketch of what-so-ever - which is done few days back before the interview - to show that I am able to sketch) and - official documents - curriculum vitae/spm/matriculation transcript.
I was alone.
The first stage of the interview was sketching. In a big hall, where you can see a lot of artist and designers; you can feel that you wasn't be there. I feel it. Everyone took pencil and start sketch. Its all based on the object at the center of the hall. Look at it, feel it, then your hand will freely dance on the paper. That will be the end product. It can be anything. Everyone - which is - different.
When I saw everyone had started, I took a deep breath and start sketching.
Its very subjective where you need to look and interpreted in your own way. As far as I remembered, the object had turned to be in a city environment with buildings as the background, with cars - smoke - yes, pollution. When time has end up, I look at it and compare with others - that makes me feel so.......... okay, till here, Anis. Go back home and you will never be choosen. Thank you.
Obviously, I was so nervous. The next stage was one-to-one interview session.
And I just know Caesar Pelli who had designed the KLCC and Raja Bahrain who designed the Masjid Terapung in Terengganu.
Fortunately they asked and I can answered.
"Ouh.. so you got taekwondo skills. Why don't you take Sports course?" One of the interviewer asked.
"I think I am capable enough in architecture course because I know how tough it is."
FAKE. I don't really know how tough it is. I just pick some tips-to-answer-well-during-interview-be-confident-promote-yourself. So I do.
Then they looked at my drawings and said, "Is that all?"
"Yes." Confidently I answered.
They have a look at my sketch in the hall just now and assess it. They do asked why I sketch in such a way and whats the meaning behind it. Yes, I answered all well. (poyo)
So, everything ends there. I thought its just.. THERE.
Few weeks later I got a letter calling me to register in UTM Skudai in.......... what?????? architecture! They must be kidding!!!
I remembered how lack I am (there is NO OUTSTANDING sketches) and how blur I am (I just know 2 architects in the world, okay). But I've been choosen. Hrmmmm.... this is odd.
I call it as rezeki and jodoh. I also got a sense that there is something in me, thats why they've choose me. If you ask what I am more in to, I can answer; it is art. But I never know that this will be the one for me. Along the way of study, I found it very tough (yes, damn tough!) and challenging. You not only study objects and arts, you study everything. Design and people. Its more than that and its very-very-very subjective though;
a) Where you can design, starts from everywhere. Its NOT A MUST to start from A to Z. It can be from C to L or even Z to A. It can be anywhere and it DOESN'T stop there. Design and develop. Design and redo. Redo, redo until you satisfied and when you have already solve the issues behind it.
b) Where you can have a lot of options. But still, you need knowledge to guide you. Back to design requirements. You need to keep designing and choose the best for it. Until the design will be yours.
Architecture... it never stop.
And Anis, if you capable enough in 5 years of study, why don't in 10 years, 15 years, 30 years to come?
PASSION. It will drive you to success.
May ALLAH bless.
I am currently at DATUM : KL Architecture Festival.

So glad meeting friends and seniors, make new friends too. This is the place where I wish for so long. The conference was just great. Hope tomorrow will be more-and-more interesting.
The conference start at 9.30 am with introduction of the past and recent projects all over the world that called "then....... now..........."

When I almost sleep, this Venezuelan architect have awake me with his full of thoughts! I love his philosophy and common sense. He is actually focusing on the urban settlement and social distribution of a city in Caracas. "To be an architect, you must know the common sense and have the critical thinking." He really mean it.

He end his speech with a quote, "Only 5% of incredible images in magazines, 10% of it was because of the glossy paper, the rest is the quality of life and unsolved issues behind it.."
Its really thoughtful and have a big applause from the floor.

ikut? silakan ^^v
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
bla bla selasa
MAK kata, dalam family, aku la yang paling teliti. Paling serius. Paling banyak fikir. Sebab tu kalau ada masalah, punyela dalam aku fikir sampai sakit2 badan, sakit2 kepala. Padahal kalau take it easy benda tu pun boleh setel. (Dalam hal ni kak anim paling positif. Orang cakap apepun, dia boleh ambil mudah. Positif. Sangat!)
Dan sebab tu bila Mia habis spm, cepat2 mak kata, ambil la course apepun asalkan JANGAN senibina. JANGAN jadi macam kak anis kau. Sakit mak tengok kak anis kau buat kerja. Tak tido, tak makan. Mak pun jadi susah hati. (Kesian mak. Minta maaf mak, tengah2 malam telefon mintak ketenangan. Punyala serabut hidup dalam senibina ni)
Ingat seronok ke tengok2 bangunan? Tengok kena sampai 'tembus' tau. Kena kaji macam mana bangunan tu beroperasi, dari segi struktur dan pembinaan. Semua berkenaan teknikal dan praktikal.
Aku seronok. Jujur. Dalam tempoh yang hampir sebulan ni aku enjoy dengan pekerjaan aku. Aku cuba tingkatkan prestasi setiap hari dan mengamalkan toleransi dengan officemate yang lain. Saling belajar. Bos aku sendiri selalu tekankan, be knowledgeable. Buku banyak, maka baca. Internet ada, maka cari. Pelbagai kemudahan dah disediakan dan aku berpuas hati setakat ini.
Jarang sekali aku berasa seronok dalam dunia senibina ni. Jujur. Selama ni belajar, setiap projek disempurnakan mengikut dateline. Proses yang diamalkan kadangkala tidak lengkap dan kurang sana sini. Semata-mata untuk siap. Tetapi, apabila praktis dalam realiti yang sebenar, aku belajar menyempurnakan projek dengan sempurna. Dengan proses yang betul. Dengan kaedah yang betul. Ini yang dikatakan pengalaman sebenar.
Bersedia untuk esok. Meeting projek Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia di Putrajaya. Sambil2 tu aku kena jumpa client untuk projek renovation rumahnya. Dua projek satu masa.

**Buat drawing ni, teringat masa kecik dulu. Zaman darjah2. Aku beli kertas mahjong (masa tu xtau saiz A0) pastu lipat 4 kali (kalau nak banglo 4 tingkat). Kalau nak banglo 3 tingkat, lipat 3 kali je. Pastu aku akan bahagikan mengikut kebesaran ruang. Contoh:- Ruang tamu, dapur pastu ada tangga naik tingkat 2... kemudian aku akan lukis perabot2 yang ada kat dalam tu - guna katalog Courts Mammoth (Mak abah dulu suka shopping perabot kat situ). Lastt sekali, bila lukisan rumah dah siap, aku akan guna barbie doll kertas tu jadi penghuni rumah tu. Hehe. Itulah permainan aku masa darjah 5-6. Kreatif tak? HAHA. Kecik2 dah tau lukis Lukisan Keratan tau! HAHAHAHA *gelak guling2
Ok tu je. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Dan sebab tu bila Mia habis spm, cepat2 mak kata, ambil la course apepun asalkan JANGAN senibina. JANGAN jadi macam kak anis kau. Sakit mak tengok kak anis kau buat kerja. Tak tido, tak makan. Mak pun jadi susah hati. (Kesian mak. Minta maaf mak, tengah2 malam telefon mintak ketenangan. Punyala serabut hidup dalam senibina ni)
Ingat seronok ke tengok2 bangunan? Tengok kena sampai 'tembus' tau. Kena kaji macam mana bangunan tu beroperasi, dari segi struktur dan pembinaan. Semua berkenaan teknikal dan praktikal.
Aku seronok. Jujur. Dalam tempoh yang hampir sebulan ni aku enjoy dengan pekerjaan aku. Aku cuba tingkatkan prestasi setiap hari dan mengamalkan toleransi dengan officemate yang lain. Saling belajar. Bos aku sendiri selalu tekankan, be knowledgeable. Buku banyak, maka baca. Internet ada, maka cari. Pelbagai kemudahan dah disediakan dan aku berpuas hati setakat ini.
Jarang sekali aku berasa seronok dalam dunia senibina ni. Jujur. Selama ni belajar, setiap projek disempurnakan mengikut dateline. Proses yang diamalkan kadangkala tidak lengkap dan kurang sana sini. Semata-mata untuk siap. Tetapi, apabila praktis dalam realiti yang sebenar, aku belajar menyempurnakan projek dengan sempurna. Dengan proses yang betul. Dengan kaedah yang betul. Ini yang dikatakan pengalaman sebenar.
Bersedia untuk esok. Meeting projek Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia di Putrajaya. Sambil2 tu aku kena jumpa client untuk projek renovation rumahnya. Dua projek satu masa.
**Buat drawing ni, teringat masa kecik dulu. Zaman darjah2. Aku beli kertas mahjong (masa tu xtau saiz A0) pastu lipat 4 kali (kalau nak banglo 4 tingkat). Kalau nak banglo 3 tingkat, lipat 3 kali je. Pastu aku akan bahagikan mengikut kebesaran ruang. Contoh:- Ruang tamu, dapur pastu ada tangga naik tingkat 2... kemudian aku akan lukis perabot2 yang ada kat dalam tu - guna katalog Courts Mammoth (Mak abah dulu suka shopping perabot kat situ). Lastt sekali, bila lukisan rumah dah siap, aku akan guna barbie doll kertas tu jadi penghuni rumah tu. Hehe. Itulah permainan aku masa darjah 5-6. Kreatif tak? HAHA. Kecik2 dah tau lukis Lukisan Keratan tau! HAHAHAHA *gelak guling2
Ok tu je. =)
May ALLAH bless.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
at last
I could feel how happy he is when I call telling him that I am on my way home. He told me that the letter has arrived, confirming that I had officially finish my studies. He sounds so happy. He even can't wait for me but to tell me thru the phone.
That was an expression from a father. A clear happy feeling when he knows that her daughter will be graduating soon.
This will be my very first convocation after 5 years of study. Happy? Of course! This is the time I've been waiting for so long.

Alhamdulillah. Syukur. I always want to be a good daughter for my parents. And I want to be the best. So, this is the best that I can give.
That was an expression from a father. A clear happy feeling when he knows that her daughter will be graduating soon.
This will be my very first convocation after 5 years of study. Happy? Of course! This is the time I've been waiting for so long.
Alhamdulillah. Syukur. I always want to be a good daughter for my parents. And I want to be the best. So, this is the best that I can give.
I am so relieved. The engagement day went well. The pink kebaya I wore also was just nice. This is the very first moment we share during semester break.
Alhamdulillah. Hope and pray for the best.
May ALLAH bless.
Alhamdulillah. Hope and pray for the best.
May ALLAH bless.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Art, Arch and Anis
My first step in architecture was when I've been called for an interview five years ago. It took place in UTM KL City Campus. While everybody brought their A1 drawings and various painting, I just brought a few piece of paper (which is rough sketch of what-so-ever - which is done few days back before the interview - to show that I am able to sketch) and - official documents - curriculum vitae/spm/matriculation transcript.
I was alone.
The first stage of the interview was sketching. In a big hall, where you can see a lot of artist and designers; you can feel that you wasn't be there. I feel it. Everyone took pencil and start sketch. Its all based on the object at the center of the hall. Look at it, feel it, then your hand will freely dance on the paper. That will be the end product. It can be anything. Everyone - which is - different.
When I saw everyone had started, I took a deep breath and start sketching.
Its very subjective where you need to look and interpreted in your own way. As far as I remembered, the object had turned to be in a city environment with buildings as the background, with cars - smoke - yes, pollution. When time has end up, I look at it and compare with others - that makes me feel so.......... okay, till here, Anis. Go back home and you will never be choosen. Thank you.
Obviously, I was so nervous. The next stage was one-to-one interview session.
And I just know Caesar Pelli who had designed the KLCC and Raja Bahrain who designed the Masjid Terapung in Terengganu.
Fortunately they asked and I can answered.
"Ouh.. so you got taekwondo skills. Why don't you take Sports course?" One of the interviewer asked.
"I think I am capable enough in architecture course because I know how tough it is."
FAKE. I don't really know how tough it is. I just pick some tips-to-answer-well-during-interview-be-confident-promote-yourself. So I do.
Then they looked at my drawings and said, "Is that all?"
"Yes." Confidently I answered.
They have a look at my sketch in the hall just now and assess it. They do asked why I sketch in such a way and whats the meaning behind it. Yes, I answered all well. (poyo)
So, everything ends there. I thought its just.. THERE.
Few weeks later I got a letter calling me to register in UTM Skudai in.......... what?????? architecture! They must be kidding!!!
I remembered how lack I am (there is NO OUTSTANDING sketches) and how blur I am (I just know 2 architects in the world, okay). But I've been choosen. Hrmmmm.... this is odd.
I call it as rezeki and jodoh. I also got a sense that there is something in me, thats why they've choose me. If you ask what I am more in to, I can answer; it is art. But I never know that this will be the one for me. Along the way of study, I found it very tough (yes, damn tough!) and challenging. You not only study objects and arts, you study everything. Design and people. Its more than that and its very-very-very subjective though;
a) Where you can design, starts from everywhere. Its NOT A MUST to start from A to Z. It can be from C to L or even Z to A. It can be anywhere and it DOESN'T stop there. Design and develop. Design and redo. Redo, redo until you satisfied and when you have already solve the issues behind it.
b) Where you can have a lot of options. But still, you need knowledge to guide you. Back to design requirements. You need to keep designing and choose the best for it. Until the design will be yours.
Architecture... it never stop.
And Anis, if you capable enough in 5 years of study, why don't in 10 years, 15 years, 30 years to come?
PASSION. It will drive you to success.
May ALLAH bless.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Datum : KL @ Archidex
I am currently at DATUM : KL Architecture Festival.

So glad meeting friends and seniors, make new friends too. This is the place where I wish for so long. The conference was just great. Hope tomorrow will be more-and-more interesting.
The conference start at 9.30 am with introduction of the past and recent projects all over the world that called "then....... now..........."
When I almost sleep, this Venezuelan architect have awake me with his full of thoughts! I love his philosophy and common sense. He is actually focusing on the urban settlement and social distribution of a city in Caracas. "To be an architect, you must know the common sense and have the critical thinking." He really mean it.
He end his speech with a quote, "Only 5% of incredible images in magazines, 10% of it was because of the glossy paper, the rest is the quality of life and unsolved issues behind it.."
Its really thoughtful and have a big applause from the floor.
Goodie bag and souvenirs; PAM recycled notebook. A button named NOW:WHAT. Datum brochures for the whole session.
We met coincidentally and its just three-of-us.

Sim and me.

Sim and Naz; the independent photographer.
The limited edition Master Class programme (PAM Education Competition). Congrates for those who have been selected. All the best to you!
I am so restless today. Having alot of walk and talk. But meeting new peeps make me feels good. After the conference had finished, we went to Archidex Exhibition at the Ground Level. We really enjoyed the demonstration by each booth. To express how enjoy we are, we went home with hands full of paper bag!
Cant wait for tomorrow session. =)
I am so restless today. Having alot of walk and talk. But meeting new peeps make me feels good. After the conference had finished, we went to Archidex Exhibition at the Ground Level. We really enjoyed the demonstration by each booth. To express how enjoy we are, we went home with hands full of paper bag!
Cant wait for tomorrow session. =)
hello-hello ;D
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