from 2.00 pm until 7.30 pm.
terlajak asar!! shit!!!
got 1 msg from intan: "sorry,, ada hal malam ni.. x dpt makan sama..." *frustrated*
but 1 msg from farouq: "jom baboos!!" YEYY!!! senyum panjang sampai ke telinga....
9.00 pm. get ready waiting for farouq.
just 3 of us including rosyam too.
unfortunately..... BABOOS FULL HOUSE!
hmmm... ok,, lets go to OLD TOWN yeahhh! i like~ :D
order OLD TOWN Asam Laksa ~ memang my favourite!
plus OLD TOWN Kaya Butter Toast Single
plus OLD TOWN Hazelnut Cold
nearly plus OLD TOWN Nasi Lemak Special.... nasib bek dah kekenyangan.. klu x memang -ve duit aku! huhu~
dah kenyang, ape lagi?
senang hati lor....
the kopitiam environment of Old Town sangat2 mendamaikan.
lepak camni pun best jugak.
bercerita berbual tentang macam2 hal...
almost 11 pm baru gerak balik UTM
kalau terlewat sikit, free2 je kene scan kad matrik lah, kene interview lah,, hish....
tdo awal malam ni! YEAYY!
setelah berminggu2 x cukup rehat dan tido.
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ikut? silakan ^^v
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
dengan bangganya.... the board has completed!!
lepas 3 kali tukar layout,, inilah hasilnya. :D

ini hanya board...
nak lagi detail kena baca report..
but report pun still under progress of compiling..
esok (rabu) we'll set up our gallery of Ringlet for the friday presentation
aku akan update lagi cite.
c ya! :D
lepas 3 kali tukar layout,, inilah hasilnya. :D

ini hanya board...
nak lagi detail kena baca report..
but report pun still under progress of compiling..
esok (rabu) we'll set up our gallery of Ringlet for the friday presentation
aku akan update lagi cite.
c ya! :D
Monday, January 4, 2010
blurbbs 2
balik dari cameron ni mcm2 kene wat.
from the rough infos, make it proper, put it into report and board.
not to mention the drawings: plan, 3d, elevation, sections
edison sudah buat kami pening kepala!
semua orang pun pening + stress + restless!! (aku pun,, lagi plak extend cuti - dari cameron singgah balik umah - sampai2 utm je keje aku sudah menunggu!)
nasib baik sangat dr. wan z kasi dateline for final presentation on this coming friday.
he didnt show up this morning - biasanya we got assembly and he will take attendance. tunggukan pulak RJ coz patutnya pagi ni our group ade presentation dengan external panel Ar. Shamsudin. tapi nasib baik, dia tak dapat datang. so we got some talk with RJ for 2 hours.
sebelah petang baru free. masing2 proceed wat keje sendiri.
aku kena wat 2 board; intro n chronology. aku balik awal pagi tadi dalam kul 3 lebih, tido dua jam, bangun subuh n sambung siapkan board. seronok sgt dah siap. dengan happynya aku kasi kat edison tadi n dia sambung buat board morphology.
senang jugak bekerja dengan edison ni. well-organized. dari sekecil2 benda sampai sebesar2 benda, semua diambil kira. he's a good leader. senang dibawa berbincang jugak. x pernah pun terbayang bekerja ngan die ni. yelah, beza langit ngan bumi kot. dia best student, best designer plak tuh. ni la yg dikatakan peluang n rezeki. peluang belajar dari org yg bagus.

skrg ni keje yg tinggal adalah sketches. aku baru wat 1 sketch. dah lama x sketch ni rasa kekok gakla. aku baru dpt cara terbaru utk sketch dengan senang. yela utk org mcm aku yg x pandai sgt sketch, ada la cara senang sket. untuk setiap gamba yg nk disketch, adjust sket brightness n contrast die supaya gamba dia jadi kabur2 but still can see the outline of the pic. pastu print out and ikut balik outline tuh.. dan akhirnya... jadilah sketch handmade yg sudah tentu betul dari segi proportion n shadow.

yehaa.. dah siap! hanya ambil masa kurang sejam utk amatur sketcher cam aku. :D
from the rough infos, make it proper, put it into report and board.
not to mention the drawings: plan, 3d, elevation, sections
edison sudah buat kami pening kepala!
semua orang pun pening + stress + restless!! (aku pun,, lagi plak extend cuti - dari cameron singgah balik umah - sampai2 utm je keje aku sudah menunggu!)
nasib baik sangat dr. wan z kasi dateline for final presentation on this coming friday.
he didnt show up this morning - biasanya we got assembly and he will take attendance. tunggukan pulak RJ coz patutnya pagi ni our group ade presentation dengan external panel Ar. Shamsudin. tapi nasib baik, dia tak dapat datang. so we got some talk with RJ for 2 hours.
sebelah petang baru free. masing2 proceed wat keje sendiri.
aku kena wat 2 board; intro n chronology. aku balik awal pagi tadi dalam kul 3 lebih, tido dua jam, bangun subuh n sambung siapkan board. seronok sgt dah siap. dengan happynya aku kasi kat edison tadi n dia sambung buat board morphology.
senang jugak bekerja dengan edison ni. well-organized. dari sekecil2 benda sampai sebesar2 benda, semua diambil kira. he's a good leader. senang dibawa berbincang jugak. x pernah pun terbayang bekerja ngan die ni. yelah, beza langit ngan bumi kot. dia best student, best designer plak tuh. ni la yg dikatakan peluang n rezeki. peluang belajar dari org yg bagus.

skrg ni keje yg tinggal adalah sketches. aku baru wat 1 sketch. dah lama x sketch ni rasa kekok gakla. aku baru dpt cara terbaru utk sketch dengan senang. yela utk org mcm aku yg x pandai sgt sketch, ada la cara senang sket. untuk setiap gamba yg nk disketch, adjust sket brightness n contrast die supaya gamba dia jadi kabur2 but still can see the outline of the pic. pastu print out and ikut balik outline tuh.. dan akhirnya... jadilah sketch handmade yg sudah tentu betul dari segi proportion n shadow.

yehaa.. dah siap! hanya ambil masa kurang sejam utk amatur sketcher cam aku. :D
Friday, January 1, 2010
Ringlet: working mode
im back.
be 'invisible' from internet n blogging for a quite long time, its not a big problem for me. the 9 days in Ringlet was more important yet taught me to be a better person. a small subdistrict in Cameron Highlands with medium facilities - they do not bother other things except togetherness. the people are nice. eventhough there're majorities of Chinese, the '1 Malaysia' can be seen. the Indian knows the Malay, the Chinese knows the Indian, well yeah, easy to say they know each other. from the very low land until up to the hill where the farmers lived, they know each other. and definitely they noticed the strangers coming to the town.
there are so many things to tell about the 9 days trip.
make it short, most of time we're focusing on our work: site analysis and synthesis. 28 of us had been separated into small groups of 4/5 person each that gives a total of 6 groups. the 6 groups has different tasks;
as the first point or main entrance of Cameron Highlands, Ringlet supposed to not have the dusty yet dead look. the facilities also hv to cater the visitors, as it functioned as a rest stop before the visitors continue riding up to the Habu, Brinchang n so on. these negative things actually gvg us some ideas how to preserve Ringlet and see it as a potential site.
thats how we conduct a study of a town.
at stage 2, we'll propose something based on the findings and issues of the town. it will produce in a bigger scale called masterplan which actually has solved problems on the site, such as the traffic problems.
next stage, goes to individual proposal which got to be designing a building for the people of the town. it can be anything - a community centre, a foodcourt, a mosque, shophouses etc. this is how we tackle the issues and bring it to real.
i've thinking to design a R&R at Ringlet. the existing foodcourt look dull for me. i'd love to bring the surau, the foodcourt and shophouses under one roof. or maybe its good to design a building at the main entrance and to make the landmark of Ringlet.
who knows.
we just propose. planning was complicated but we try to make it to the maximum.
other than 'working experience', we had joy such as shopping at Brinchang and Tanah Rata. also we had given opportunity by the farmers of Ringlet to ride a landrover up to the hill - we went to the salad n flowers farm - also had to own them for free. :')
there're two event we celebrate here; Farouq's birthday n new year. for the new yr, we had celebrate together at starbucks, hv a taste of hot Caramel Macchiato.. yummy2! then hv a walk at Tanah Rata, before going back to hostel @ SK Convent at 2 am.
on the last day in Cameron, we went to Sg. Palas BOH Tea Plantation, Kea Farm and Time Tunnel before heading back to JB and hv a stop at Tapah and Ulu Benam.
At Ulu Benam, me and yon transferred to Edi's car since we want to go home. abah fetched me at Universiti putra station and we arrived home at 9 pm yesterday.
damn tired. today i got bad flu. is it because of weather change?
be 'invisible' from internet n blogging for a quite long time, its not a big problem for me. the 9 days in Ringlet was more important yet taught me to be a better person. a small subdistrict in Cameron Highlands with medium facilities - they do not bother other things except togetherness. the people are nice. eventhough there're majorities of Chinese, the '1 Malaysia' can be seen. the Indian knows the Malay, the Chinese knows the Indian, well yeah, easy to say they know each other. from the very low land until up to the hill where the farmers lived, they know each other. and definitely they noticed the strangers coming to the town.
there are so many things to tell about the 9 days trip.
make it short, most of time we're focusing on our work: site analysis and synthesis. 28 of us had been separated into small groups of 4/5 person each that gives a total of 6 groups. the 6 groups has different tasks;
- History & Morphology (trace the history of Ringlet from the beginning until present)
- Environment (including the climate study, landscape, vegetation)
- Socio-culture & human behaviour (human activities, culture, place to gather)
- Building Appraisal (the study of each building in Ringlet - the building age, urban design)
- Infrastructure (water supply, road, street furnitures, sewerage, signage)
- Townscape Appraisal (the observation and feelings towards the town and its environment)
as the first point or main entrance of Cameron Highlands, Ringlet supposed to not have the dusty yet dead look. the facilities also hv to cater the visitors, as it functioned as a rest stop before the visitors continue riding up to the Habu, Brinchang n so on. these negative things actually gvg us some ideas how to preserve Ringlet and see it as a potential site.
thats how we conduct a study of a town.
at stage 2, we'll propose something based on the findings and issues of the town. it will produce in a bigger scale called masterplan which actually has solved problems on the site, such as the traffic problems.
next stage, goes to individual proposal which got to be designing a building for the people of the town. it can be anything - a community centre, a foodcourt, a mosque, shophouses etc. this is how we tackle the issues and bring it to real.
i've thinking to design a R&R at Ringlet. the existing foodcourt look dull for me. i'd love to bring the surau, the foodcourt and shophouses under one roof. or maybe its good to design a building at the main entrance and to make the landmark of Ringlet.
who knows.
we just propose. planning was complicated but we try to make it to the maximum.
other than 'working experience', we had joy such as shopping at Brinchang and Tanah Rata. also we had given opportunity by the farmers of Ringlet to ride a landrover up to the hill - we went to the salad n flowers farm - also had to own them for free. :')
there're two event we celebrate here; Farouq's birthday n new year. for the new yr, we had celebrate together at starbucks, hv a taste of hot Caramel Macchiato.. yummy2! then hv a walk at Tanah Rata, before going back to hostel @ SK Convent at 2 am.
on the last day in Cameron, we went to Sg. Palas BOH Tea Plantation, Kea Farm and Time Tunnel before heading back to JB and hv a stop at Tapah and Ulu Benam.
At Ulu Benam, me and yon transferred to Edi's car since we want to go home. abah fetched me at Universiti putra station and we arrived home at 9 pm yesterday.
damn tired. today i got bad flu. is it because of weather change?
hello-hello ;D
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