LAST two days we went to Festival City Mall because Parkson sale was ongoing. We call our activity as 'mendaro' (nogori slang) which similar to girls night out or ladies night out. Kakak was looking for a new purse so off we go to handbag level. I expect I can grab a new handbag too but am not happy with the price. Maybe thats why am more keen to unbrand item, can have it a lot at cheaper price.
Because I was bored and I've already tawaf at the handbag area, I drop by to a skincare kiosk nearby. Its called Privia. The Chinese promoter girl greet me.
"You ada cari apa-apa?"
"No.." Senyum.
"Ok.. if thats the case I show you our best seller product, boleh?"
Angguk saja. Kakak, mak and adik looks busy choose the best one and I were left behind.
"This is Peeling Gel. Pernah dengar tak? Its the same as face scrub. Can I have your hand?" She hold my hand and start putting the gels. She scrubbed it slowly.
"Senang aje pakai peeling ni. Satu kali seminggu. Our product is natural. You see, ada biji kan." Yep. Ada biji yang keluar. Its got to be daki-daki yang melekat. Euw.
"Now, you compare. Beza kulit kering and kulit yang baru lepas scrub. You can feel the moisture."
"Do you have moisturizer?" I asked.
"Yes.. this is the one." Dia tunjukkan moisturizer di sebelahnya.
"I tak pakai moisturizer tau..." Her face was like... oh? Terkejut sikit. This will be the best part of the story.
"You tidur dalam aircond ke kipas?"
"Hey.... kulit you kering tau? Semakin tidur dalam aircond, semakin kering kulit. Thats why you need to use moisturizer."
Aku gelak bila dia tegur macam tu. Gelak bersalah sebab tak pandai menjaga wajah.
"You pakai sunblock tak?"
Geleng lagi.
"Heyy..... you tak pakai sunblock?? Habislah you!" Muka dia dah terkejut habis. Dan perkataan 'Habislah you!' tu macam nak takutkan aku. Perlukah aku takut?
"Erkkk.. do I have to?"
"Mestilah! Sunblock wajib tau! Ok.. you bagitau I apa you pakai before keluar rumah."
"I pakai toner, lepas tu bedak." Senang je cerita aku.
"Lepas keluar, balik rumah, you basuh camne?"
"Basuh dengan airlah." Aku gelak lagi.
Dia semakin nak pengsan kot dengar cerita aku.
"My dear... you tak boleh buat macam tu!" Dia ambil satu lagi produk di sebelahnya.
"You kena guna makeup base. You tak pakai makeup base?"
Aku yakin dia banyak tanya sebab she just met the only one customer yang super teruk ni.
Geleng jugak. "I tak makeup."
"Tak makeup pun, tapi you pakai bedak kan? So its a must to use makeup base. Lepas tu kena remove dengan makeup removal." Whoa? Aku macam baru tahu je info tu. Bedak pun kena remove pakai makeup removal eventhough I don't makeup?
"Mesti pakai. Sebab bedak pun ada makeup content so you must remove. Haihh.." Pening dia dengar cerita aku.
So, this story was very interesting kan? Free-free je dapat beauty consultation. I don't makeup seriously. Rasa rimas sebab got to follow few steps before and after. Nak remove pun leceh. Thats why I skip the process and just tepek bedak kat muka and use lip balm. Kalau rajin sikit pakai eyeliner. Thats all.
Rupanya aku dalam bahaya. Thats not a good practice. Orang perempuan memang kena jaga kecantikan, sayangnya aku cuma jaga, tapi tak pandai gaya. I don't prefer heavy makeup. I prefer to keep me look naturally. Memang selalu pun orang tegur,
"weh, muka kau ni tak berwarna. pucat." bla bla. Sampaikan mak pernah marah,
"Gaji tu guna beli makeup!" Eheh.
Walaupun sebenarnya aku ada collection of eyeshadows and lipsticks yang jarang berusik. Pakai bila ada formal event aje. Perempuan dan kecantikan. Suka jaga, tak pandai gaya. Is that a big problem?
Mendaroo... ado lak bujang sosek :p |
I like the simple me. Thats the only I comfortable with.
But I have to do something. I need moisturizer and sunblock. Thanks to the promoter.
One thing for sure, for Muslim ladies, you must use the halal product. =)